Considering the French habit of striking whether they're pleased or displeased, Michel's words were quite trustworthy.
He had said that speaking up might lead to reprisals, while keeping silent meant nothing would happen. The choice was obviously an easy one.
Brian smiled contentedly, then said to Michel, "Very good, excellent. You are a smart man, Michel, I appreciate that. So not only will you face no harm, but you will also receive a cash reward."
Michel was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said with a broad grin, "No need for a reward, as long as you don't hurt me."
Brian leisurely replied, "Do you know what we are planning to do? We're heading to the villas to pull a job, yes, we are professional criminals. We're going to rob several wealthy households. According to our rules, we either have to eliminate you afterward to cover our tracks, or we buy your silence with money."