Chapter 842: Designated Mission

Surveillance tasks are long, tedious, boring, and stressful, enough to drive someone crazy.

But none of these problems existed for Yang Yi, because his brain came with its own entertainment system. Having a partner made things even less of an issue.

So a month had passed, and not only did Yang Yi not find the task boring, but he actually found it quite interesting.

Every day, he just stood by the window, watching, and the task of monitoring could be done by surveillance systems. Yang Yi's main task each day was to go out and show affection with Xiao Ran, to go shopping, and eat delicious food.

Why would Yang Yi be unhappy with such a life?

However, a month had passed with no activity at Deyo's villa, and this was the only thing that truly made Yang Yi anxious. But he couldn't rush these things, so if he couldn't be in a hurry, the only thing left was to seize the chance and enjoy life.

"What should we eat for lunch today?"