Chapter 890: Motivation

Ben thought it was either death or disability, but now it seemed that Vitali might have survived.

So, was this good news?

For an unscrupulous boss, paying a one-time condolence payment was obviously more appropriate than taking care of a disabled person. Compensation was a one-time deal, while providing for someone who would be useless in the future would cost much more, definitely more than the condolence payment.

Therefore, Woody saving Vitali—a man both Anton and Brian had judged as dead—might make Yang Yi either happy or angry, it was hard to say.

But Yang Yi truly hoped Vitali would survive, not weighing any pros and cons, not considering any gains or losses, because he was still human.

Seeing Yang Yi's resolute and genuine demeanor, Brian smiled, then said in a low voice, "Our experiences are different. For me, I would never want to see a brother die. If a doctor could bring my brother back to life, especially when we thought he was dead, I would reward him."