959 Chapter Easy and Comfortable

Yang Yi didn't look very relaxed; his hands rested on the table as he stared directly at Dave, occasionally rolling his eyes upward as if he were recalling, not fabricating.

"I think it's better to start from the beginning; otherwise, it'll be quite confusing."

Yang Yi gave his suggestion earnestly, but Dave ignored it.

"No, you don't need to start from the beginning. Just tell me why Mr. Hayes sent you to prison. Did he give you any reason?"

Yang Yi immediately nodded, "Yes, but he didn't tell me initially that I had to go to prison. He said he believed I had the talent to be a spy, and he needed someone completely unrelated to the CIA, someone who wouldn't be watched by the CIA... a novice, someone absolutely disconnected from the intelligence world. But you see, I had no knowledge of spy techniques; I knew nothing. So, I needed to learn, to go to a university to receive basic training to become a spy."
