Chapter 81: Hands-Free (Seeking Follow-Up Reading)


"Keep stirring at a steady pace, persist for 4 minutes and 32 seconds..."

"After starting, at the 5-minute and 16-second mark, evenly add the Moonlight Flower pollen powder..."

"Once stirring is complete, cool for 3 minutes and 7 seconds before adding the Red Amberleaf powder..."


Under Matthew's direction.

Shanfeng exhibited an exceptional aptitude and practical ability, meticulously completing all of the steps.

After only 4 failures, he successfully concocted the Blood Activating Elixir.

The completion rate was 75, and the quality reached between passable and excellent.

It fully met the quality standards for sale!

Matthew could see that Shanfeng's Alchemy had improved by 2 points.

This peculiar life form possessed the potential to grow.

However, Shanfeng's capacity for autonomous growth was low, requiring Matthew to instill, load, and update him.