Chapter 115: Made a Fortune! (11th Update)

The explosion's roar subsided into calm.

The dust that filled the sky was slowly dispersed by a gentle breeze.

"Hissing" flames, doused by a fine drizzle, fizzled out with smoke.

Scorched troll corpses were strewn all over the bush.

The terrifying destructive power of the Fireball Technique made it difficult to piece together any of the bodies.

Many trolls had not died, but were mercilessly abandoned, allowed to lie battered on the ground.

Arrows dripping with paralyzing toxin flew relentlessly from the darkness, striking their chests with precision.

Frightened out of their wits, the trolls only lay on the ground wailing, not even daring to resist.

A few Wanderers burst out, binding the paralyzed trolls one by one.

At first, they were cautious, fearing ambushes by any uninjured trolls.

But it didn't take long for them to realize that all the trolls capable of moving had already fled.