Chapter 117: Matthew's Expectations (12 Updates)

April 13th.

It's the third day since we established the Ogre Camp!

Shadowy Forest, Troll Valley.

Droplets of misty rain drizzle down relentlessly.

A veil-like mist shrouds the entire valley.

Eerie roars occasionally pierce the fog, carrying the distinct chill of the Shadowy Forest.

The black tree trunks show hints of moisture, as if they've absorbed enough water to breathe again.

Above the buried pits, resilient plants have already sprouted new shoots from the overturned soil.

They grow rapidly, making the most of the unobstructed sun above, thriving at a tremendous pace.


There's a faint vibration on the ground.

The tender green shoots seem to sway involuntarily, as if welcoming their arrival.

More than a hundred soldiers march in with uniform steps.

Over five hundred cart drivers look around anxiously, relaxing slightly only after seeing the troll bones that weren't completely burned.

Fifty or more wagons, laden with goods, struggle along the muddy road.