Chapter 128: Bandits and Nobles (8 Updates)

Horarl was a brigand, as well as a noble's guard.

For the most part, he was able to switch between these two identities seamlessly.

Of course, Horarl was not the kind of madman who would kill without blinking an eye.

Most of the orders from above only required them to stand in line and following their leader, engage in a brief charge.

As long as the opponents gave up resistance, they would not continue slaughtering, since they wouldn't all be rewarded with a few silver coins anyway.

This time, however, Horarl had an instinctive feeling that something was not quite right.

First, he had waited in the mosquito-infested reed thickets for two or three hours without sighting the target, while his body became lighter by two liang.

A sharp pain struck his neck, and Horarl quickly slapped at it.

With a delicate, crisp "puchi," he involuntarily sucked in a breath of cool air, looking at the fresh blood on his fingertip, and couldn't help but curse silently: