Chapter 135: Frenzy Infection Potion (15th Update)


The raging flames burned the accumulated corpses.

Thanks to the fuel that was poured on, these corpses would eventually be completely incinerated.

In the end, only a few ashes would remain, swallowed by the Misty Swamp.

Bellowing smoke rose straight into the sky.

Dyeing the bloody world a shade of dark grey.

The adventurers on the city walls were excitedly discussing non-stop.

Every adventurer who participated in the battle had already received their reward.

It was incredibly generous!

The adventurers who hadn't participated were full of regret, silently listening to the others' discussions, yet inwardly they were determined.

Next time, they absolutely couldn't miss out!

Smelling the faint scent of blood, Matthew thoughtfully surveyed the Misty Swamp under the light of the Scarlet Moon.

He recalled that night in his mind.

The caravan traveling through the Misty Swamp on its way to Bay Village had encountered those Mutated Fishmen.