Chapter 160: Time - Candle Dragon! (5 more)

The thunderous voice echoed in Matthew's sea of consciousness, wave after wave.

But now, he was incapable of making any response, any resistance, and could only watch helplessly as everything was lost.

Just as that spreading, terrifying will was on the brink of completely engulfing Matthew, thoroughly replacing him,

a clear and crisp chirping reverberated throughout the entire Soul World.

"Yaya? Time, rewind!"

The dreadful laughter abruptly ceased, and the will and tendrils that Taiji had spread out were retracting at a rapid pace, returning to their original form.

Matthew could clearly feel that the terror, which had been so formidable, was quickly weakening.

"It's Yaya!"

"Time Reversal!"

Matthew, who was almost in despair, suddenly widened his eyes, as a glimmer of hope surged through his heart!

The terrible pain gradually faded, and his thoughts began to turn once more:

"Once the consciousness is invaded by Taiji, the consciousness and thoughts of both merge into one."