Chapter 26 One set in front of people, another behind their backs, and several more in the suburbs.

"Who's the big shot?"

"I don't know."

Feeling the hard object at the back of his head press down again, the man in black nearly cried in desperation, "I really don't know, the boss didn't say anything, I'm not supposed to know these things, I earn so little each month, I don't have the clearance for that kind of information."

His argument made sense, and Wayne had no rebuttal. After a few more threats that failed to extract any information, he hit the man with his pistol a few times, knocking him unconscious.

It was Wayne's first time knocking someone out, and he was inevitably uncertain about how much force to use. He hoped the man was okay.

Wayne kicked another man in black awake and repeated the process, garnering essentially the same information.

There was a big shot targeting him in Lundan with enormous influence, not exactly ruling everything single-handedly, but definitely someone before whom both the underworld and law enforcement would grovel.

In other words, not only the gangs but also the police were after him.

Wayne furrowed his brows deeply, finding this sudden and absurd development quite outrageous!

According to the two men in black, a big shot of this caliber wasn't someone you could just offend if you felt like it. They were in different worlds; he wasn't even qualified to offend the other party. He wouldn't find a way in even on his knees.

"Could it be the pet shelter from before, where the big shot is a shareholder? Did I slip up at the newspaper office while trying to hype up my story, leading them to want revenge on me?"

Wayne thought it through and concluded that it had to be the case. In this materialistic society, kind-hearted and justice-driven youths were bound to face suppression from all sides.

Of course, there was also the possibility that he was taking the fall for the original body's owner.

The original owner had offended the big shot, perhaps by sleeping with the big shot's wife, or lover, girlfriend, darling, or sweetheart. The original had zipped up his pants and fled, leaving it to Wayne to pay the debt.

"Damn it, why the rush? It would have been nice to leave a hint or something!"

Looking at the two unconscious men in black, Wayne internally remarked on the thorny issue. He had planned to quietly grow stronger, but suddenly he'd attracted this kind of huge trouble...

The key was that he still didn't understand why he'd attracted such trouble, let alone know where to start resolving it.

Responding with violence was out of the question. The snowball would only get bigger. It didn't fit with his current strategy of keeping a low profile and growing gradually. Throwing oneself into the river of crime meant having to navigate its currents. It was time to find a mediator and apologize for any wrongdoing.

Sleeping with your wife was my fault, but believe me, she kept calling your name the whole time!

Wayne nodded to himself, thinking it made sense. Violence was too brutal. Since that big shot had achieved their current status, they surely understood the value of harmony.

But first, the person mediating for him couldn't be of low status either.

"Who should I turn to..."

A vision of Veronica appeared before Wayne. As a local of Lundan and coming from a wealthy family, her father's social standing couldn't be far off either.

Even if her father wasn't on par with the big shot, he would certainly know someone who could interact with the big shot on equal terms.

That could work!

Wayne silently praised himself for the idea, but then a new problem arose. Why should her father stick his neck out for him? Why should he owe someone a favor for plowing his own cabbage patch?

Wayne put himself in the father's shoes and realized this route was a dead end. But aside from her father, he couldn't think of another potential father-in-law.


Stop kidding, you'd die laughing!

After pondering for a moment, Wayne packed away his pistols and headed back to the Strength and Faith Fitness Center with his birdcage and carry bag.

Unable to get in touch with Veronica right away, he had to send a message through Willy, hoping Veronica would visit the Detective Agency to meet him as soon as possible.

If her father didn't want to intervene, that was fine. Helping would be a favor; not helping would be his right. He'd be thankful just to know why he had offended the big shot.


The fitness center.

The coaches were highly vigilant upon Wayne's return. They didn't kick him out directly, but remained silent, working out with grunts, their piercing gazes fixed on him.

You little brat, watch it, I've got my eye on you! xN

Coach Leader Dick stepped forward to lift the curtain of the birdcage, staring at the white Owl for a while, before repeatedly sneering at Wayne.

Wayne felt uncomfortable all over. Before, Dick's attitude toward him was indifferent, and although he had issued warnings and threats, he clearly hadn't taken Wayne seriously.

Now it was different, reflecting a wariness and fear that came from deep within.

Willy showed up in time and took Wayne to the office. After some questioning, she tilted her head and asked, "Both the underworld and law enforcement are investigating you. Tell me, what kind of heinous crime did you commit? Are you the real culprit behind the consecutive disappearances of young girls?"

"Stop joking. I tremble just walking at night, let alone have the guts for that," Wayne rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Hiss hiss, you're actually not denying that you're tempted!" Willy's eyes widened, and she protectively clutched her chest, her clothes distorting from the pressure.

Yes, I'm tempted. Once I gather the power, I'll tie you up first and throw you in the Detective Agency's basement!

Wayne snorted unhappily, telling Willy to stop her nonsense and help him contact Veronica as soon as possible. He didn't want to waste much energy on this matter, he was anxious to start learning Magic!

Willy cocked her head, "Actually, Dick... never mind, let's contact Veronica. Her father is well-connected. As long as Veronica is willing to speak up, she could resolve your trouble quickly."

"That would be great."

"It's a bit troublesome, Veronica has a bad relationship with her father..."

Willy tried calling Veronica's landline but got no answer. In these times, it's normal for landline calls to go unanswered without mobile phones, so she resorted to sending a letter with the Owl, asking Veronica to find Wayne at the Detective Agency as quickly as possible.

Wayne thanked them again, hailed a taxi, and headed straight for the Detective Agency on Bellick Street in the eastern district.

Got took for a ride... again!

Money is a man's courage, gold is a man's spine.

The damn taxi driver had wrung out Wayne's last ounce of courage and energy, further cementing Potato's already significant status at the Wayne family dinner table. This really annoyed Wayne, but without GPS those days, he had no way to call out the dishonest driver.

Taxi driver: I'm giving you a fair price; didn't take you round in circles. If you're not happy, buy your own car and see how much gas costs will kill you!

When Wayne arrived at the entrance of the Detective Agency, he touched the door handle and sensed something off—there was someone inside. Whoever had broken in was really skilled, almost as if they had a spare key to the Detective Agency.

He sniffed the air and breathed in a mix of conditioner, creamy aroma, chocolate, and a young girl's unique fragrance. Wayne heaved a sigh of relief.

It wasn't an outsider; it was Veronica. Indeed, she had a spare key.

"You got here pretty fast; I knew I had been taken for a ride," he said.

Veronica was sitting at the desk catching up on her diary and did not look up as she heard Wayne, "Verily told me you messed with someone dangerous. They've already started looking into you."

"It's more than just snooping. I just encountered two gang members from the local Black Serpent Club in the eastern district. They followed me all the way to the north district. If I hadn't been cautious, I might already be tied up," said Wayne, trying to draw sympathy from Veronica by playing up his misery.

The effect was mediocre; Veronica was amused by what she was reading in her diary.

Diaries are for fools; who actually writes down their true feelings? How can it be a secret if it's written down?


So, a diary can only fool strangers. For a beauty like Veronica who knew him inside out, the diary was nothing but a compilation of jokes.

Having no other option, Wayne took out two handguns to show that he really had been in danger, saying that his fists were still swollen and hurting.

"That serious?!"

Seeing the guns, Veronica exclaimed in surprise, "Gangsters from the eastern district are willing to break into the north district just to catch you, guns in tow? That's not their style. Who exactly did you offend?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking for your help."

Wayne shrugged, plainly stating his reason: "I heard your father is really powerful, knows lots of big shots, so I wanted to ask for your help to figure out what I've gotten myself into."

Veronica frowned deeply, then after a moment said, "Alright, but you owe me a favor. From now on, you have to agree to whatever I say, no questions asked."

Wayne nodded, put down his bag and birdcage, and Veronica stepped out to look for a phone booth to call her family.

The red phone booth, its dim light flickering amidst the fog.

Then she made another call, and another.

It couldn't be helped; that was just the way her father was, one thing in front of others, something else behind their backs, and a whole different story in the suburbs. Without calling several times, it was impossible to reach him.

After a few attempts, Veronica got through to her father—Austin Lando.

Her voice was cold, as if she was talking to a stranger. Wayne stood outside the phone booth and noticed that Veronica looked upset, which made him shake his head.

Every family has its own problems. Verily has it hard, and it wasn't any easier for Veronica.

He wondered what the situation was with Chris. He'd ask her when they had their one-on-one tutoring session in a few days. If she was another heartbroken soul, he wouldn't mind lending his warm and broad shoulder for her to lean on for the night.

"I understand, I'm fine, thanks for your concern," she said.

A few minutes later, Veronica hung up the phone and came out of the booth with a scowl.

Wayne followed behind her, wisely silent because making a pass at her now would be simply tasteless.

Veronica walked into the office, picked up her diary, and soon started giggling—her irritable mood slightly eased. She spoke to Wayne, "I asked around. You really did offend a very powerful individual."

"Who is it?" Wayne asked, unable to wait.

"Mister Lando didn't say. He mentioned it was unnecessary for you to know their identity, because regardless, it wouldn't change what that big shot has in mind for you. If they say they're going to put you in a cement barrel and sink you in the river, that's exactly what they'll do."

As Veronica spoke, a look of confusion appeared on her face. To her knowledge, her incompetent father held a significant status in Lundan, kept a number of MPs as lapdogs, and even he was unwilling to reveal the name of this powerful individual…

Could Wayne have offended the Queen?

Impossible, he didn't have the means!


"Mister Lando said he'd handle this issue, but at the same time, you owe him a favor. When the opportunity arises, he'll ask you to repay it."

"No problem."

Wayne nodded readily. Owing his future father-in-law several favors didn't matter. Once they were related by marriage, he wouldn't even need to repay them.

Freeloading feels great!

"Mister Lando is really impressive!"

"Hah, he's just loaded. He'd sell his soul for more money."

"May I ask, what does Mister Lando do for a living?"

"He owns a bank."
