Chapter 28 Tied on the Train Tracks in Three Equal Parts

Wayne carried his suitcase, searching for his private compartment in the sleeper car.

This was an extravagantly luxurious train, with over a dozen carriages all in classic style, featuring clean and transparent windows adorned with velvet curtains.

The floors were carpeted in crimson red, and the ceilings were filled with exquisite patterns as sophisticated as those five stories high, all under the charming embellishment of crystal chandeliers.

This was not a train, but a palace on wheels, radiating opulence and romance at every corner, much like the famed Orient Express.

Put any other gold-digging pretty boy in this place, and he'd have been overwhelmed by now, but not Wayne. He had seen better times, and this train didn't attract him.

"What a rubbish train, doesn't even have wifi, and they have the nerve to charge so much. Veronica is furious."

Muttering to himself, Wayne saw a group of four or five men in black approaching, resembling the entourage of bodyguards and their principal. He tipped down the brim of his gentlemen's hat and stepped aside.

The aisle of the sleeping car wasn't spacious, and during the shuffle, one of the men with a little mustache bumped into Wayne's shoulder.

That man walked with a step that acknowledged no kin, not yielding an inch, as if he owned the entire aisle.

"What kind of manners!"

Wayne rolled his eyes. It was a trivial incident, and he didn't take it to heart. With repeated apologies from the train attendant, he entered his compartment.

There was a bunk bed, with a desk beneath the window and the top bunk used for luggage storage, which could be said to be quite spacious.

Wayne enjoyed his dinner in the compartment, and after the steam train departed, he locked the door and flicked his gentleman's hat.

"Coo coo coo—"

A pigeon sprang out and landed steadily on the desk.

Wayne opened his suitcase, fed it some feed, originally thinking his dinner would be potatoes with corn and peas, perhaps needing the pigeon's assistance to enrich the meal. However, life is full of ups and downs; dinner turned out to be a fancy Western meal with red wine.

Whether it tasted good was another matter. It was high-class, after all!

The train slowly departed from Lundan. Wayne turned on the wall lamp and took out the magic book that Veronica had given him.

He was interested in trying the basic magic of using a messenger bird but feared the pigeon couldn't withstand the rough handling and might end up as his midnight snack. After some thought, he decided against it, opting to leaf through the magic book to reinforce his memory.


The night passed without incident, until the break of dawn.

March 21.

Wayne got up bright and early, refreshed and ready for the day. After freshening up, he headed to the dining car for breakfast.

The train's speed was slow, befitting a leisurely tour focussed on beautiful scenery and fine dining, moving slower during the day and even more so at night.

Wayne disembarked at Enrold Town station. Veronica had already arranged everything; someone would pick him up upon arrival, and he'd be whisked directly to a luxurious estate. Once Mister Lando had dealt with the important person, Wayne would receive a call from Veronica to return to Lundan.

The exact date was to be determined as Veronica herself wasn't sure when Mister Lando would inform her, and she would then inform Wayne.

Wayne pondered for a moment. His father-in-law owned a bank and was a big shot in his own right, so it shouldn't take too long, he assumed.

He was in good hands!

Dining car.

Wayne arrived early and there were only a few other patrons in the restaurant. Many tables were empty, so he casually picked a spot and ordered a hearty breakfast.

If nothing went awry, he'd arrive at his station by noon, just before the lunchtime rush. To be safe, he decided to eat a bit more for breakfast.

Before breakfast was served, a lady in a black suit elegantly mixed with a long dress entered the dining car. Ignoring the empty tables around, she walked directly towards Wayne and sat opposite him.

She sported a sleek, golden short haircut that glowed with a silken sheen, with pearl earrings that matched her necklace and accentuated the slimness of her neck, mesmerizing yet elegant, instantly catching the eye.

Wayne: (一`´≖)

What a beautiful woman!

But with so many empty seats, why choose to sit across from me? What's that supposed to mean?

The beauty had a sharp appeal, every feature flawless and vivid, appearing to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight, paired with an inherent strong confidence that was impossible to ignore, aggressively inducing an involuntary sense of inferiority in others.

At the same time, her meticulous makeup, attire, and every perfectly placed strand of hair suggested a strict self-discipline and extremely high standards for herself.

"Gentleman, do you mind if I share a table with you?"

Noticing Wayne's gaze, the beautiful woman smiled slightly, and the soft sunlight filtering through the train window added a warm glow to her impeccably perfect visage.

"I don't mind at all!"

Wayne nodded and added silently to himself, making it clear that he had no objections to the big sister sharing his table, and nothing more.

Scientific research has shown that looking at beautiful women everyday can extend a man's life by 4-5 years, and beauty is a feast for the eyes that's good for the stomach, so he had no reason to refuse a healthful practice.


He still maintained his original thought, with so many free seats available, insisting on sharing a table must have an ulterior motive!

Under the beauty's silent gaze, Wayne quickly finished his breakfast and dashed off without looking back.


The beautiful woman let out a wry laugh and touched her face: "Though he's an honest child, or rather, sufficiently cautious, which is a plus, it's quite a blow to my ego!"

Slyphy Lando!

Her daughter was Veronica Lando, her husband was Austin Lando, and due to marital discord, they had long been living apart. To the outside world, she introduced herself as Slyphy Valentine, rarely mentioning her marriage.

Lady Slyphy was highly career-driven, working abroad after separating from her husband. As a standard strong woman, she was promoted for her exceptional abilities and voluntarily applied to transfer back to Lundan for an important position.

With Veronica's graduation approaching, she wanted to personally celebrate for her daughter and to give her a surprise, she hadn't informed her beforehand.

At the train station, Slyphy saw Veronica and thought her own arrival had been discovered, only to realize she was overthinking it—Veronica was unaware of her return to Lundan and was there to see someone off.

A man!

Just like this moment here and now, the gritted teeth and vexed expression was so reminiscent of herself years ago, bidding farewell to her good-for-nothing husband at the train station.

Lady Slyphy was utterly shocked—her naive little cabbage was dating a man!

For how long?

How far had it progressed, had they gone all the way?

Was Veronica so upset because she'd been wronged?

And that bastard didn't even care to inquire!

While cursing her worthless husband, she changed her plans, preparing to observe her daughter's boyfriend up close to see what he was really like.

If he was social trash, after her money and beauty, she wouldn't mind personally putting him in a cement barrel to sink in the river, or, better yet, tying him to the train tracks and cutting him into three.

At least for now, he didn't seem to be after beauty, not like her rubbish husband who was the epitome of social trash!

Lady Slyphy was quite satisfied with Wayne's behavior, but that wasn't enough; although she supported free love, it didn't mean she would just let it be. Getting her approval wouldn't be that easy.