Chapter 59 Ah Bin's Friend

Night, Lundan.

The grand cathedral train station.

The luxury train slowly came to a stop, and passengers got off one by one, while the servants who had been waiting on the platform boarded the train to carry their masters' luggage.

Wayne remembered Hefei's warning, returned to Lundan alone, did not contact anyone, and quietly walked out of the station with his suitcase in hand.

Looking at the fog-enshrouded night, he took a deep breath in front of the taxi.

Lundan, I'm back!

The Fire Element within him sensed the intense fluctuation of emotions and rejoiced exuberantly.

Wayne narrowed his eyes, three months ago, he had been forced to leave Lundan in a sorry state, but now he had transformed and was no longer that naive and cute rookie.

"Times have changed, starting from today, no one can speak to me loudly..."

"Hey, the taxi's here, if you're not getting on let someone else do so, there's a line behind you!"