Chapter 65: The Second Resentful Spirit (Seeking Subscriptions for Launch)


"Humans are truly terrifying."

Wayne stroked the skull head, remembering how he had once faced the threat of a concrete barrel, and couldn't help but comment.

"Indeed, humans are too scary," Yuliya nodded in agreement.

"Very scary!"

Ah Bin voiced his grievance, recalling his sad past as the soul flame in his eyes flickered hazily.

Wayne: (╥_╥)

"Stop getting sentimental, both of you. As for being scary, you both just scared someone to the point of wetting themselves."

With a grand gesture, he turned the boiling river water into a large tentacle, which enveloped a gasoline barrel and hurled it onto the riverbank ten meters away.

With a loud bang, the gasoline barrel deformed and chunks of concrete fell off, releasing a putrid stench.