Chapter 70 God, Doesn't Care (Seeking Monthly Votes)_2

"Right, where were you just now, talking about the Earth Core Cult, right?"

Did I say that?

Sidney's head was a mess, recalling briefly, it seemed that he had mentioned it, and that was why he had come to see Dean Plank. He simply picked up where he left off and said, "Dean, my former teacher Marshall, the Evil God of the Void Lord that the Earth Core Cult worships is still on the God-chosen Continent. His thoughts have not lingered on the Star Realm Cosmos. I smell the scent of conspiracy, a disaster sweeping across the God-chosen Continent is about to come..."


Dean Plank put down his cream cake, his face gradually becoming solemn.

"The Death Knight leaving the Underworld Great Tomb is just the best example. I can't find the source of the disaster, but I guess the Void Lord must know something..."