Chapter 94: Press F to Enter the Tank Directly_2

"Wayne, your sense of aesthetics is too mundane. If you discard the artificial standards of beauty imposed on the public, that lady is quite excellent," Kell rebutted. "We are detectives, possessing a pair of eyes skilled at uncovering the hidden, try looking at that lady from a different perspective, she's practically a work of art."

Wayne: (눈_눈)

Sorry, I just can't help being common!

Wayne usually doesn't criticize others' tastes in aesthetics, after all, to each their own, but if someone were to attack his taste first, then sorry, today he had to make things clear.

Wayne opened his mouth, prepared words reached his lips then he swallowed them back down...

He tried, tried to see her from another angle, his fondness for Kell went through the roof, so handsome yet not liking beauties, Wayne needed such a brother!

"Kell, if you're busy, I don't mind waiting for you for ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll be back in five minutes."
