108 chapters: All success comes from greed, all failure comes from being too greedy.

At the appointed restaurant, Wayne met Kell, as well as the "ugly sister" he had mentioned.

Must say, she really was beautiful.

She was a brown-haired beauty with an excellent figure and appearance, especially her dignified demeanor, and the red lips plus glasses look gave off a hint of naughty sexiness amidst the intellectuality.

"Let me introduce you, this is my sister, Mona Horson."

Kell enthusiastically introduced them, "This is Wayne, the one I've told you about. Don't let his youth fool you; he already owns his own detective agency. He is talented and not short of money, the type of young success that you like."

Young and successful might be an overstatement; my detective agency was started with financial support.

Wayne looked at Kell with confusion; wasn't she your sister, why do they have different last names?

Kell shrugged offhandedly, "Blended family; it's quite normal for her to keep her own surname after reaching adulthood."

Yeah right, as if I'd believe that!