Chapter 109: Fog, Black Mountain Range; Pestilence, Black Sorcerer_3

If there were indeed an issue, he would issue an investigation report and send it to Lundan to be handled by the headquarters' Scalpel Organization.

It so happened that Bishop Keith from the Heavenly Father Church was visiting, and the two of them hit it off immediately. More people meant more power, and if there were any problems, they would have an extra pair of hands, so they set off together.

Another thick fog—could it be the same fog I ran into?

Wayne pondered for a moment, realizing the problem was significant, and looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "What's your name? Can you drive?"

"Andre, I have a driver's license."

"You come with me to South Cambridge Shire; everyone else continues to work. Remember to clock in and out on time, and don't let me catch you slacking off again." Wayne picked up the phone to call Philark, indicating he wouldn't be coming home because he was working overtime tonight.


South Cambridge Shire, five o'clock in the afternoon.