Chapter 117 Hell Passageway_2

The smile froze on his face.

It was empty!

Not believing in such misfortune, he closed the box and took two deep breaths to calm himself down before opening it again.

Still empty!

After several repetitions, Bishop Keith's legs gave out, and he slumped to the ground against the shelf, "It's over, it's all over..."

"Bishop, be careful."

Young Master Wayne quickly stepped forward, catching the Holy Grail that nearly smashed into Keith's forehead.

Luckily it didn't hit him, otherwise the Holy Grail would have been damaged.

He peered into the empty box and his heart sank, "Bishop, is there something special about the Shroud?"

"The Holy Shroud itself is nothing extraordinary—just a plain piece of linen. It acquired its sacred properties from wrapping the remains of Saint Dominic, making it an extremely powerful holy relic," explained Keith, with his eyes closed in pain.