Wayne was at a loss for words, Old Login had seen right through him, a simple stratagem had backed him into a corner.
No, it was like he'd had a cheat sheet while looking in the mirror.
"Wayne, remember this," Old Login said, "don't lay all your cards on the table. Credit is expendable, whether it's business or personal, always leave yourself an out."
Austin chuckled, "I didn't expect you to land this deal. The Lando Family's influence in Frank is limited, and our partners aren't exactly competitive in pricing. I sent you to learn, including how to handle failure."
"Isn't that a huge loss?"
"That's all the wisdom there is in the world of business. If you pay enough tuition and do it diligently, you will learn all there is to know." Austin glanced at Wayne, "Our family isn't short on cash, go ahead and splurge."
In that moment, Austin was radiant!