Seven voices violently exchanged opinions, Torgoguryr, an Ancient God's kin, had been verbally lashed by Wayne to the point of shutting himself away, infuriated enough to go home and complain to a higher authority. How could six such inept Void Evil Gods be any match?
Had they fought fairly using magic, Wayne, who harbored the Dark Goddess within and could not unleash his full strength, might have actually been pushed to a draw.
To fight with evolution...
The Dark Goddess found this quite pleasing.
Accompanied by the sound of water in motion, six melting figures indulged in the sea of knowledge, fusing themselves with their insights, integrating their superficial understandings, and revealing their grasp of life.
Wayne retracted his six tentacles, devouring all six Void Evil Gods. The Book of Greed savored the feast, deeming the taste average yet appreciating the variety of flavors, considering it a pleasant meal.