Wayne cradled the Holy Grail in both hands, locking gaze with the Lord of Greed's small eyes, channeling both the powers of Hell and Heaven into the Magic Stone at his chest.
As the jealous Familiar Smedley operated the Holy Grail, someone else present at the scene had recorded the process in their thoughts; replaying it wasn't complex, just in case, that's why Juno had been called back.
If nothing went wrong, he felt it would succeed on the first try.
Sinister Hell energy swirled around the Golden Holy Grail. Eyes tightly shut, Wayne murmured an incantation, and two tentacles emerged from beneath his feet, severing the arteries on Juno's wrists, left and right.
Blood circled in midair, passing through the Grail acting as an external heart, was purified, and then returned to Juno's body.
Experiment materials were precious; using one meant losing one, so Wayne was careful not to wreak havoc on Juno. The purification process was meticulously overseen and, as such, time-consuming.