7 - Training for academy examination 1

Our orphanage director, Tatsumo Sadeki, is currently 50 years old. In his active career he was jōnin. He told us how to train basics. He told us quite a long stories about his ninja life. But its always stories about less fighting and flashy jutsus. He doesn't want to influence kids in wrong way. (Probably how Orachimaru turned out).

He told us to start jogging as much as possible and taught us how to do warm up, stretching, push ups, squats, and sit ups. 

Tatsumo: "Ninja need to have more stamina than anyone, they need to be more agile than anuone, they need to be more flexible than anyone."

He made sure we remember this line.

I also wanted to start with my kenjutsu training but i can't take out intetsu or bokuto out from ring. I should thought 'how i can bring out my bokuto?' at least.

After 1 month,

I practiced more than anyone past 1 month, I woke up early as 6 am and slept at 10 pm. In Morning, i started running around orphanage after 10 rounds its started taking toll on my body, but i still kept going on. As orphanage house around 50 kids its size is quite large so 10 round its goes around 5 km. After 2 more round by body can't kept going. But its still around 6:30 so i started other exercises. There is still 5 more months before academy exam starts, and i want to pass it.

Care takers all wakes up around 7 and start preparing food and other breakfast for kids. They mostly contains vegetables and other protein relates stuffs like tofu, read beans etc. high officials wants to add more children to academy i think. That's they are providing more resources to orphanages, so i heard when caretaker and other workers were talking.

After running i started doing sit ups, pushups and squats.

As i completed 20, 20 and 20 of each set i can see care taker coming with in his hand one bakuto. Normal one and not same as one in my ring.

How this happened, it starts around 3 days before.

Caretaker woke up earlier than 7 and watched me running and doing exercises. As i completed my set and resting he came to me.

Tatsumo: "Woken up early, huh Ikki."

"Yes, Old man."

Tatsumo: "How's your practice going?"

"I don't know why but i get tired easily compared others. So i need to work extra hard than others."

As he listens to me i can see some concern and pity in his eyes.

Tatsumo: "Come to my office. Let's drink juice. It will help you re energize you."

"Ohh thanks old man."

[Tatsumo's POV]

I invited Ikki in my office. He looks quite ordinary for kids. 

How he looks? To answer: average height, around 1.17. Some what higher than average. Spiky black heir and brown eyes. If he had black heir, i would have taken him as Uchiha. Somewhat lean but his body has already started developing in good way. Cute of course. He likes wearing shorts, and t shirts. but i think he likes them because they don't come in between training. Will bland perfectly anywhere. And quite kid also. He is also kind. He will help anyone as long as they ask sincerely. 

He will help caretakers. But there are some odd things about him. His age doesn't match with his body that's all I can say. Of course in orphanage all caretakers like him, hell even i as director like him. He works hard, he helps others, and somewhat from pity of his chakra level situation. We all know, his body is damaged and he can only have 10% of chakra than normal people. So even in genin level, he can have only 10% of genin chakra. 

I tried talking with director of hospital, Tessin san, but he gave me same statement. I asked him if anyone can cure Ikki, But because of what happened during Nine tails attack his cells are disconnected from chakra network. They will work normally but don't provide any chakra if needed. So he will be permanently cripple in chakra level.

We didn't described this situation to him, but still with this disadvantages he is working hard. In this world either you can be normal, genius or hard worker. And i like hard workers. There was one hard worker like this also. He alone gone against seven ninja swords man of mist and made them 3 ninja swordsman of mist. On the base of that, i can tell hard work never lies. Even if it won't make you strong enough but it sure make you proud of yourself. And i think kid knows that also.

As he entered, i prepared juice and some biscuits for him, and he started eating and drinking. As he completed that, i started asking him his progress. 

"Ikki, how's your progress? You are taking breaks right. Overly exercising can cause issue in body."

"Yes, JIJI (Old man)."

I love him when he call me old man. In this life because of active ninja i never had any family and was orphan my self. As Hokage asked me to take care of this place i readily agreed. After all i want to still contribute to this village. No i want to contribute and raise this good kids.

"Old man, before i can only run 2 round around orphanage, now i can run around 11. Before i can only do 5 of each exercises you have taught us but now i can do 20. About stretching..."

As he is describing this he kept looking at right side wall. As i check out where he is looking, i can see katanas i was using in my active career. and i can see fascination in his eyes. 

"You can look at them if you want."