13 - Academy Examination

After 4 months, Day of Academy physical exams,

Spring has reached, and around 200 students has come for physical exams. Of course they are all civilians. I am also one of them. Every year around 200 students enter physical exams. But only 60 passes.

Academy only allows students of age between 6 to 8. Each person can has only 3 chances at exams. If they don't pass, they can decide different types of expertise. Like sealing, medical, bureaucrats etc. Life doesn't ends if you can't join Ninja academy. Ninja may have more respect, but their pay is not that high either if you are not at least chunin level ninjas.

sLocation for examination was grounds of academy. Quite large i have to say. As every future ninja aspirants was waiting, on chunin shunshined to front of us and started speaking,

"Hello, my name is Hiruma Sukasa." He started introducing himself. "I am one of ninja of Konohagakure no sato. Best of luck for your examinations. First exam is about your stamina. You need to run 10 rounds of ground."

Ground is quite big so 1 rounds is same as running around orphanage 2 times. But i am not that weak either. I can now run 30 rounds around orphanage easily, so i think, i will pass this exams easily.

"Okay, start running on count of three, One, Two, Three."

And we started running. I can see many kids started running with full speed. But i know currently, no kid can run all rounds on full throttle. We need to pace ourselves if we want to complete rounds and that's what i did and so did many other children. I think they are second or third timers of exams.

I won't bore you with all commentary but around 100 kids were able to pass. I came in third. My adversary was 3 timer kid. Who practiced quite hard. Actually in ranks of 1 to 10 all was third timers only i was first timer of exam. And for it i am quite proud of myself.

"Okay all remaining kids, sorry you couldn't pass this exams. Best of luck for next time." He said kindly to all remaining kids. He knows many kids dream just squashed today. Many won't have second chance on this exams. 

After all other kids gone, he started speaking again, 

"Now persons who have passed, lets start unlocking and testing your chakra level." 

As he said this many more ninja comes at, ground. And by their clothes i can say they are chunins. I can't find any familiar faces. I think Umino Iruka hasn't joined as teacher yet.

Many childrens has strong body but low chakra levels with which they won't be able to have bright future as ninja's. 

They started testing kids one by one.

"Jiari Tanaka, level 5, Pass".

"Ijari Ninbe, level 3, fail."


Then they started testing orphanage kids. Many orphanage kids are previous ninja kids, even if civilians, their parents had becomes ninjas. Because of that passing percentage of orphanage is quite high. 

I approached a ninja, and he began testing my levels.

"What's your name kid?"


"Can you rotate your chakra around your body?"

"Yes i can."

"Can you show me?"

I nodded. He placed hand on my back and i started rotating my chakra.

After some time he told me to stop. 

"Your chakra level is 2, so i can't pass you, Sorry kid."

I nodded. Visible shock and sadness in my eyes. I knew low chakra level cause issue for me but this much. Than i stood at another side. After some time that guy went to some other guy and started talking with him. They started bantering and arguing. After some time old looking guy came and stopped them and asked about issue. 

After he listened he came to me. 

"Hey kid, my name is Isshin Kento. I am principal here. Can you show me how you rotated chakra around your body?"

I knew this might be my chance. So i nodded and he placed hand on my soulders and i started rotating my chakra again.

After some time, he asked me "Who is director of your orphanage kid?"

"Tatsumo Sadeki."

"I thought so. Did he taught you kenjustsu?"

I nodded. 

"Your chakra level is low but because of kenjustsu training it started rotating natural course which will help you in swordsmanship. Congratulations kid you pass. Can you tell your director i want to talk with him when he come to pick you all?"

I nodded. 

After every one tested civilians family kids have gone home with their parents. After some time other orphanage directors came and took their orphanage kids with them. After waiting more than 10m we got bored and started playing Ninja. Its just normal game where some kids become thiefs and other ninja and started chasing each other. From our orphanages, 10 kids have came and 7 has passed. Other 3 kids barely failed in chakra levels. But they are around my age so they will have more than 1 year to prepare. And they will easily pass. 

After playing for 1 hour i can finally see Old man coming. As he inquired about it, we told him our result. But i think he already knows result. When he asked me about my result, i told him what transcribed, and principal of academy wants to meet him. He nodded and told us to play here for some time till he come from visit.

"I have to say Ikki, You are first kid, which have made me visit principal without even started academy." He joked.