19 - Academy days 4

After 1 more month, In 1 month all students were able to, sorry, Only civilians were able to do them with good speed. Clan kids were able to do it just in half month. But because of civilian kids they had to do for extra 15 days. 

In last 2 months, i am constantly training my body, still couldn't get any control over any of my body parts. By my estimation, I will need about 2 years for getting any progress in that. And for perfect body control, i might not even be able to do it before graduation.

Daikoku: "From now on you need to practice 3 jutsu for you graduation. Even if i am teaching you now, it might take you more than 1 year for learning only 1 jutsu. So you need to practice by yourself. There are 3 jutsus you need to grasp before you can apply for graduation. This month i will be showing and teaching you 'Kawarimi no Jutsu' (Body Replacement Technique), After next month 'Henge no Jutsu' (Transformation Technique) and after that 'Bunshin no Jutsu' (Clone Technique)."

"Let's start with substitution jutsu, Tiger -> Boar -> Ox -> Dog -> Snake. Watch closely, "

He performed Jutsu in front of us.

"You get it right. In this jutsu, you substitute yourself with object or another person. Now we will move to training ground to teach you this technique."

We all moved to training ground. Sensei gave us all rubber balls. And called us one by one. 

"Aoi Umeda."

Aoi come in between all of us. Sensei goes to him,

"Aoi, show me hand signs without molding chakra."

Aoi showed him. 

"Its correct. Not every one gonna throw balls at you at count of 3." He looks scared at that. 

"When they throw ball at you, you need to use Kawarimi no jutsu to substitute your self with block of wood."

Aoi nodded at that.


Every one nodded at that. 

"One, Two, Three."

Everyone threw balls at Aoi on the count of three, but nothing happened. Aoi needed to duck to save himself. He didn't even perform any hand signs.

"Aoi, don't duck. be brave. Every one collect balls again." Every one collected all rubber balls.

"Every one ready. Aoi this time save yourself via performing Kawarimi no jutsu. Ready, One, Two, Three."

This time Aoi didn't duck but were able to complete hand signs. And put wood block at his place but wasn't able to move out of place. After 2 more turns Aoi couldn't perform jutsu perfectly.

"Nice try Aoi, except first try. You will be able to learn jutsu fast enough. Now Replace yourself with Chikako." As he said Aoi again started to do hand seals. 

"No Aoi, Go at Chikako place without jutsu. Chikako come at center."

"Chikako, Show me handsigns." He performed them. I was standing behind Chikako.

"Okay Nice. Now on count of three perform jutsu. One, Two,"

On count of Two i threw Ball at him like super fast pitcher. And it hit him at back. 

He started cursing me. He picked the ball and started running behind me with 2 more balls and started throwing at me. And i got scared. 

I can clearly see ball coming at me, but i didn't have any method to dodge it. So i performed hand seals for Kawarimi. And replaced myself with wood block. And appeared left side of wood block after 1 meter.

Chikako, thought he hit me and started gloating over himself. I picked up another ball and wanted to throw at him, but at that time, Bonk, something hit me on my head.

Daikoku Sensei: "You Baka, don't play around like this."

Ikki: "But I replaced my self with wood block."

At this Daikoku sensei realized, I performed near perfect Kawarimi. 

Daikoku Sensei: "But its still bad. You need to listen to me." 

And as he was lecturing me, Bang, another ball come at my head and hit me. Chikako took action at the time of my misfortune. And Sensei had it. Bonk Bonk, After 2 min, visible bumps can be seen on both of our heads.

Chikako: "You bastard, you hit me with a ball knowingly, right?"

Ikki: "No No, I wouldn't do that." And i turned my face around.

Chikako: "You are lying bastard."

Daikoku: "This is first time, i am seeing Nara this much active in training. Both of you take this seriously. Chikako, stand in middle again."

Ikki: "Sensei, i have another method, actually a game in mind." 

He looked at me angrily. 


"Why not make two teams. And make them stand in 1 large box. One team need to knock out another teams member with balls. But we can only dodge it with Kawarimi. You can be judge if we are out or not. And Ball should touch excel palm areas for member to be consider out."

Sensei heard idea and started to think.

[Its nice method, As this 2 showed currently, And Ikki showing Kawarimi, i can say its nice idea. And no nija throws shuriken or kunai counting to three.]

Every kid started to get excited, even near future dead Uchihas, and ever so Haughty Hyugas.

"Okay lets see, Ikki and Chikako make team. And i am drawing box with partition. So 1 team gonna stand at one portion and another gonna stand in another."

Chikako: "I will squash your team."

Ikki: "I never knew Nara's can see dreams in daylight."

Daikoku: "Don't fight and select your members."

We divided teams in 2 and started playing game. Sensei gonna include it in schedule permanently from now on. Its kinda all out war, which can make you aware of your surrounding.

And we started. In start it was all out war. No one tried to dodge it. Every one was out in minute, except me, 2 Hyuga kids, 1 Uchiha, 1 Inazuka, And Chikako. In my team only me and 1 Hyuga Kid remained.

And in another team 4 kids remained. My Team Hyuga kid name is Hinari Hyuga, A girl, of course with Caged bird seal mark.

Chikako targeted Hinari this time.

"Hinari dodge,"

She barely able to do. Humph. 

"Hyuga's and their unearned Haughtiness."


I would have felt pity for her life if she wasn't this haughty.

I targeted Uchiha kid, and he was able to dodge. As soon as ball leaved my hand other two kids targeted me. I used Kawarimi at this. Getting wooden blocks and replacing your self with it is quite issue. Shadow clone would be good but i will never be able to use that technique.

Game continued, and i was able to get Hyuga and Uchiha kid. Inuzuka and Chikako remained. Again they targeted me. [Bastards, target this girl.]

I tried to use Kawarimi again, but my chakra level failed me again and got out. Chikako, Was getting quite happy, but Hinari's ball straight hit his face. And lastly Inuzuka kid won.

Daikoku: "Nice game, Who want's to continue this game."

Ikki: "Sensei, it will be productive to expand area. In starting it becomes all out war. We can't even know from where ball is coming."

Daikoku: "That's what you need to learn. In group battle situation you need to learn this."

I thought and what he said is true. 

And we continued. This time our team won. But my chakra level is quite low. Actually many kids chakra level got low so sensei stopped game. 

Daikoku: [This is going quite nicely. They all tried Kawarimi around 20 times but mostly failed. Ikki alone was lowest. Only 5. But knowing his chakra level, Its quite good. And he succeeded 2 times out of 5.]

[Sandaime POV]

Third Hokage was seeing practice of academy via his cristal ball.

"This game is good for practicing Kawarimi. And it can create battle awareness."

"Ikki is progressing well, not chakra and strength wise but mind wise also. And His friendship with Chikako is good thing. Never Seen Nara this much Active. It was sight by itself."