23 - Kenbunshoku Haki 2

After 1 week, My observation haki training going quite bad. I can't even get any form of signal when ball is gonna hit me. Or i am thinking it differently.

Chikako: "Oy, I am getting bored hitting you. Why are you not even progressing."

Ikki: "I don't know. I am trying to get a signal when balls gonna hit me but its not coming. I couldn't able to sense anything."

Someone: "May be you should consider approaching it differently."

Ikki: "Who spoke?"

I turned around. On tree one person is sitting. This training ground should be empty. Why is someone here?

"Hi, My name is Uchiha Shishui. I am just training in trees, and i saw your unique training."

I never thought i am gonna meet this man. Unsung hero of Konohagakure. Got quite pitiful death. No suicide.

Ikki: "I am Ikki, this is Nara Chikako. I thought Uchihas has different training ground." 

Shishui: "Sometime i like to go in other training grounds." Hi kore Usso.

Shishui: "What are your trying to achieve?"

It doesn't matter if Hokage, or any other person knows about this or not. And training Observation Haki requires many years of dedication. So they might not even try. And its not sure shot. Also this requires technique requires strong will and spiritual power. 

"I am trying to increase my perception. For that, i am trying to sense the rubber balls without visual and hearing."

Shishui looked shocked. 

"Why not try do it via Chakra sensing?"

"That's half baked technique. It can only perceive chakra signature. And If someone hides their signature than you are just normal human being."

Shishui looked thoughtful.

"If you were able to achieve this its gonna be quite extraordinary ability. I wish i have that."

"You already have that. But in your case that ability is given to you by your eyes. But still it need high level of chakra."

He nodded.

"What are you trying to sense when rubber ball is coming at you?"

"I am trying to predict from which direction ball gonna hit me at exact point. And dodge it."

"Nice method you have devised. But do you think it gonna work."

"Don't know. I can't tell. I am just releasing arrow in darkness and hopping it to hit the target in middle."

Chikako: "Bastard, you made me work this hard without knowing if its gonna work or not."

"Didn't i said that before." Bonk, And he hit me again.

Ikki: "Bastard" and we started wrestling again.

Shishui seperated us.

"Why not try to sense different kinds of things. like velocity, or size, etc. Try to sense different kind of thing."


Chikako, Shishui: "Language"

"Ya Ya, Throw balls at me, Shishui san please help."

Shishui nodded at that.

"On my sign, Please send balls one by one."

They both nodded and i put blindfold and earplugs and showed thumbs up sign and torture started.

First 10 shots i couldn't predict anything. As in this 10 shots, i was bracing for impact. But then i let go of this fear trying find something in space around me. Everything is black for me now. Again Two balls hit me but i knew they are gonna hit me and i ignored it continued, Then i find it. It was not bright but like speck of dust, and then i made my face shift to left. I don't know if i succeeded or not but i forgot that speck of dust and started finding another one. And continued like this.

[Shishui POV]

I was observing Ikki today. Chikako and Ikki talking about why he is not progressing at all. And i started helping him. I don't know why but he has special kind of charm. Somewhat like Kakashi Sempai. But without goofiness.

On thumbs up of Ikki, Chikako waited for 1 or 2 second and threw ball at him. First 10 balls hit him from all direction, I have to say its quite relaxing to hit someone. I know why this Nara kid is helping this guy with this much energy. But have to say this is first time i see this much active Nara kid. Might be because of influence of Ikki.

Then Chikako hit him 2 more, And i changed my position to his back and threw ball at his head. Then something happened. He shifted his head to left and dodged ball. Me and Chikako got shocked.

Shishui: "Is he grasped it how to do or it was just coincidence?"

Chiakako: "I don't know. Let's try again."

Nara kid threw ball this time from left side. Straight at ear. This time it hit the face. 

Shishui: "Might be coincidence. lets continue." 

Nara kid threw this time from front, but this time he dodged again. 

We continued like this. In this set of 10 he was able to dodge, 3 times, quite low but he would be able to do it for 10 to 10 times, even blind guy can be powerful ninja. May be i should learn this to.

Ikki stand up from his position.

Ikki: "Lets end perception training for today. Chikako and Me are gonna continue our personal training."

Shishui: "Did you find any trick to this or this 3 times was coincidence?"

Ikki: "No, what i found is your intent. Every action human takes has intent. What i am trying to perceive is this intent."

Shishui: "In this 3 times you were able to perceive intent."

Ikki: "Kind of. What i was able to found is just speck brightness. Not able to perceive direction or speed or anything like that. But hitting someone has high intent, so its kind of firefly to me. Practice will make that firefly in to fire bird."

Shishui: "Can we learn it?"

Ikki: "I don't know. We can try. Chikako you want to learn this, right?"

Chikako: "Yes, it looks like nice technique."

Ikki: "Let's do it for both of you tomorrow."

Shishui: "Okay, i am going, bye."

Ikki: "Lets meet tomorrow at same time."