54 - Vacation 9

2 more weeks gone by since I got the chakra training screws. 1 month and 2 weeks has been passed since the start of our vacation. But i am happy with my training. Only notable achievement in past 2 weeks is i was able to rotate first level screw in clock wise direction. I think achieving first 5 levels gonna at least take me 3 years. I can't speculate about other 10 levels. Yamada san did say there is total of 30 levels. But is any person capable of achieving that. I don't think so.

Because of achieving clockwise rotation in first level of screw and constant practice of tree climbing exercise and chakra flow exercise, my chakra control has improved exponentially. I can say, I am best in chakra control in my whole class. But on chakra level, Sigh. Lets' not talk about it. In chakra flow exercise, I was able to even out chakra on my bokuto. Now I am starting same process, with less chakra conductive bokuto given to me by JiJi. My observation haki is still stuck at 40%. I need think about some way to increase it. 

Today is Thursday of 3rd week of month, Its already 11 am of morning and I am totally engrossed in training of Rekkou. 

In some distance, Chikako is training in his leaf sticking exercise for further improving his chakra control. Now he can go up to 1 hr in leaf sticking exercise. For me, I gave up on leaf sticking exercise. I also showed wooden screw to Chikako. He tried to practice with it, but he need to start with tree walking exercise to even consider practice with screw. 

While i was totally engrossed in my training, I somehow went in zone, in that mode I don't know how, but i was able to learn Rekkou. At that time, I thought it was because of zone, but now i know that was not zone, it was kenbunshoku no haki in full mode. As I went in zone of Kenbunshoku no haki, somehow I was able to observe my body's state at that time, and with haki I was able to know what I was doing wrong in performing Rekkou, So in that mode, I was able to learn Rekkou. And Thank god I did otherwise, story would have been stopped here.

You Must be thinking, How i went in full mode of Kenbunshoku no Haki. Answer is my body felt like helping me at that time. Because someone, sorry something was watching me at that time.

While, I learned Rekkou, I performed it on stump. Because, what i have in my hand is bokuto, i was able create deep creator on stump. If what was in my hand was sword, stump would have been cut in half. I have to say, Ikki Kurogane was genius. He was able to create splendid technique on base of body capabilities. and this is just surface of all of his techniques.

As I was in state of enjoyment of learning new technique, I felt it. Raw intent, which was trying to kill me. Until now, I was throwing balls at Shishui san and CHikako with intent. But it was just raw intent, in which i was just thinking, i am throwing ball at you for hitting you. But this is different. Someone or Something is trying to kill me. As I sensed it coming from middle of left side and behind, I took right step and dodged it/someone.

Then i see the perpetrator of attack. Its cat. I thought why would normal cat trying to kill me. Then i see it. This is not normal cat. It as 2 tails. But I thanked god, its not Bijju. But still, this is troublesome. I don't think, in this world there is any cats who has two tails except Matatabi. I looked carefully at cat. Two tails, black colored with scales on it. One horn on its forehead. Than I heard growl. Deeper growl than normal cat. Its size is also larger than normal cat by 2 times. It must be thinking me as its pray.

I saw Chikako is still concentrating on leaf sticking exercise. He must be thinking I made growling sound. 

"Chikako, wake up. I am not the one made growling sound. I swear on god."

Chikako instantly opened his eyes and stood up with shock seeing cat. 

"Think of plan. I am gonna engage with it. If you find any pattern or weakness tell me."

As we were conversing, cat attacked. Its speed is quite high and also nimble. Thank god for Kenbunshoku no Haki. I was able to dodge attacks. But this time haki potency decreased. It must be because of this damn cat. My concentration broke. And it must be because my body understood, I know about danger, so I can deal with it. So haki potency decreased.

It attacked from my front, I dodged to left side, and strike down bokuto on his body. But damn its nimble. As soon as cat show me striking its body, it brought its legs from stretching position to close position. It was able to dodge attack. This is gonna be trouble some.

Cat again got ready to pounce. I can see its taking steps back. I got ready to defend, and if possible counter it. But something feels off. Why i am not getting any Intent from its attack. Damn, its changing its target. It pounced. 

"Chikako, dodge, its trying to attack you." I shouted.