The Conversation Between Human and Ghost

This is a family-oriented program.

When Zhang Yizhi woke up, his whole body ached, his head was dizzy, as if he had been hit on the head.

Zhang Yizhi: ?

"What did you two do?"

"She hit your head, and I kicked you." Meng Lan curled up perfectly in the shade, not letting any UV rays touch her.

Zhang Yizhi: ?

He Wǎnwǎn breathed a sigh of relief, "You were possessed by a ghost just now, didn't you know?"

Zhang Yizhi looked puzzled, "I was possessed by a ghost? Impossible, I'm still a virile young man, I should have the heaviest yang energy among the three of us, the kind that could make ghosts sizzle just by peeing!"

Meng Lan said, "I suggest you be careful what you say, what if it's in me?"

Zhang Yizhi moved back two steps, "Don't scare me!"

He Wǎnwǎn pulled Zhang Yizhi up and brushed the dirt off him, "Stop talking nonsense, you're being watched!" She bowed apologetically to the air, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, children talk without thinking, please forgive me."

Meng Lan didn't move, tilting her head to observe Zhang Yizhi, and suddenly said, "He Wǎnwǎn, step aside."


"Step aside!"

He Wǎnwǎn ran to Meng Lan's side, "What's wrong?"

"I said something I shouldn't have." Meng Lan, now resembling an experienced witch doctor, said, "He's being watched again."

"Ah... Ah?"

Zhang Yizhi's face showed an uncharacteristic melancholy smile, his hands and feet turned cold, his forehead began to sweat cold sweat, and before he could refute, he lost control of his body and fell into a coma.

—Said something he shouldn't have said, did something he shouldn't have done.

Meng Lan's unintentional words just now suddenly woke her up. She knew how Li Xiaoqing and the man from yesterday died, and she could even speculate on Zhang Jinlong's cause of death. Li Xiaoqing sighed "This is a good place" when she stepped out to see the scenery yesterday morning, and the man said "My little brother is a good person" when introducing himself, which obviously angered the female ghost, so they were killed by the ghost.

And Zhang Jinlong might have peeked at He Wǎnwǎn bathing, or done something even more inappropriate and received retribution.

It seems that this ghost has intelligence and thinking.

So, can she communicate?

"Here?" Meng Lan waved her hand.

Zhang Yizhi approached Meng Lan like a wooden puppet, looking at her with a tilted head.

Meng Lan took a deep breath.

Since she's here, her knowledge of psychology should come in handy.

First, understand.

Then comfort.

Then inquire.

Three steps!

"I understand you very well, and I also know your pain. But we know nothing about what happened in the past." Meng Lan said, her tone rarely gentle, although this forced gentleness was stiffer than when comforting He Wǎnwǎn, but the female ghost seemed to listen.

She held "Zhang Yizhi's" hands and gradually stabilized the female ghost's emotions according to the process of comforting visitors from her psychology course.

"We really want to help you, and we also want to help your sister."

He Wǎnwǎn felt as if she were watching a talk show between humans and ghosts, with Meng Lan as the guest teacher and the female ghost as the guest seeking help.

—This scene is a bit too harmonious.

But she still wanted to run!

The female ghost remained unmoved, as if pondering Meng Lan's words.

"We came to the village to find the truth, but we have no way of asking the villagers what happened. They are all tight-lipped and won't tell us anything. Only you can help us, and only you can help yourself. What's your name?" Meng Lan coaxed gently, displaying a patience she had never had in her life.

He Wǎnwǎn wanted to say, the ghost won't answer you! Don't try to reason with ghosts!

—Why is Meng Lan so sure she won't die!

He Wǎnwǎn was scared pale.

"Do you remember your name?"

The female ghost stared straight at Meng Lan through Zhang Yizhi's eyes. After three seconds of confrontation, she finally opened her mouth and made a sound.

"Zhao... Zhao..."

Her terrifying emotions gradually subsided under Meng Lan's guidance, really treating Meng Lan as a lifesaving straw.

The female ghost had no thoughts or logic, acting purely on instinct. Even simple words spoken unintentionally could stimulate her nerves. Such as Li Xiaoqing's "good place", the villagers' "good person", or what Meng Lan was saying now, "I'm here to help you."

"Great, let's take it slowly. What happened a month ago?"



"Ah... My sister... she went missing... I searched for her for a long time... she was locked in a strange house... she died... but she didn't die, I heard her voice, her voice..."

Meng Lan contemplated, recalling last night's dream. Whether it was last night or now, the female ghost always said these few sentences about her sister, so her sister was currently either alive or dead. The female ghost said she heard her sister's voice, but then denied that it was her sister.

Meng Lan had an idea, an unrealistic one.

However, if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

—Her sister didn't die, she just changed.

"Do you know who killed you?" Meng Lan asked.

"No, I don't... I was looking for my sister in the village, I smashed their memorial tablets... I seemed to, seemed to be locked up... couldn't move, couldn't move... it hurt so much... really hurt!" The female ghost's eyes rolled in her sockets, her voice hoarse with memories, almost on the brink of madness from the pain.

"Follow my breathing, calm down. We are not the killers, we are here to help you," Meng Lan extended her hands, guiding her like a yoga instructor helping a student relax.

He Wǎnwǎn was dumbfounded: Can ghosts even breathe?

(Meng Lan: Of course, look how red Zhang Yizhi's neck is, I'm afraid he'll choke to death.)

He Wǎnwǎn applauded inwardly: I never knew Lánlán darling was so considerate!

"You don't know who killed you?"

"Too dark... they tied me up... I couldn't move..."

Meng Lan recalled yesterday's nightmare, which matched the details perfectly.

"They attacked you?"

"They... they were forceful, forceful, they touched me..." The female ghost made a determined decision to say something shocking, "They... all deserve to die... not one of them can live... none of them can live... they're all scum ahhh!"

Zhang Yizhi let out a tearing scream, tears of blood flowing from his eyes, his pale face like that of a prisoner who hadn't seen the sun for days, showing a fierce and hideous expression, veins bulging.

Meng Lan knew why Zhang Jinlong had died, he had brought it upon himself.

She did feel about two or three men surrounding the female ghost and tearing at her clothes in her dream last night, but Zhang Yizhi quickly woke her up.

The female ghost, greatly stimulated, held onto her sister's photo and stopped speaking. Ten minutes later, Zhang Yizhi's consciousness regained control of his body. He sat down beside Meng Lan, his head dizzy, "No way, I was possessed again?"

He Wǎnwǎn nodded, "Yeah."

Zhang Yizhi collapsed, "Why is it always me?"

He Wǎnwǎn said, "Be careful what you say!"

Zhang Yizhi sighed, "Ah, even though there are three of us."

Meng Lan said, "Everyone's been possessed."


"I should have been possessed by the female ghost yesterday morning, that's why Li Xiaoqing noticed something was wrong and didn't act with us. She must have seen some strange behavior. Oh right, I suspect Zhao Che and Qi Huan might have discovered something, so they haven't been with us since yesterday."

"So, it was you who said something you shouldn't have said! Thankfully, you didn't provoke her!" He Wǎnwǎn was angry. She reiterated the torture the female ghost had endured, condemning, "At first, I thought the curse was terrifying, but seeing the pitiful, there must be something despicable about them! They deserve it!"

In the shadows.

Qi Huan and Zhao Che stared at them.

Strange, how did it become Zhang Yizhi being possessed?

Qi Huan murmured to himself, shouldn't it have been He Wǎnwǎn killing the other two?

"Could our speculation be wrong?" Zhao Che asked quietly, completely contrary to their train of thought. They couldn't make out what Meng Lan was saying over there, the only thing they could be sure of was that Zhang Yizhi, who had just been possessed by a ghost, almost choked Meng Lan but she managed to dodge.

And then, that woman unexpectedly turned the tables.

"It's an illusion." Qi Huan pushed his glasses and said, "It must be an illusion that caused all of this. When He Wǎnwǎn killed someone, no one else was present, she must be waiting for an opportunity. If the three of them were to split up, someone would definitely meet with an accident. He Wǎnwǎn hasn't been exposed yet."

He spoke with unwavering certainty.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

As the two pondered their next steps in the corner, a sharp laughter came from behind!

"Hehehe... hehehe... hahaha... someone! Someone!" A disheveled madwoman emerged from somewhere, wearing a peach-pink dress and plastic slippers.

Her grabbed Zhao Che with her muddy hands and pushed him to the side, Zhao Che groaned as he hit the earthen wall. The madwoman then went for Qi Huan's face, but Qi Huan staggered away, shouting, "Where did this madwoman come from!"

Hearing the commotion, Zhang Yizhi and He Wanwan looked over and saw Qi Huan entangled with the madwoman! Zhang Yizhi quickly ran over to help, pulling the two apart.

Meng Lan leisurely stood up, brushing off the dirt from her body. She had noticed Zhao Che and Qi Huan lurking around them earlier. What were they up to?

In theory, the five of them were teammates, sharing information.

Why split into two groups with no disagreement? Could it be that Zhao Che and Qi Huan suspected one of them three to be the killer?

But that didn't make sense; they should have taken action against the killer first, right?

Meng Lan walked over suspiciously. "You disappeared this morning, only to meet here. Have you found any clues?"

"Not yet," Qi Huan said.

At this moment, the madwoman's hands were held behind her by Zhang Yizhi, only able to twist her waist and attempt to bite him! She truly seemed insane! Meng Lan observed the madwoman for a while. Despite her inappropriate emotions and dry skin, it was apparent that her family treated her well. Her slippers and dress were brand new, without a trace of dirt. There was even a small daisy hairpin on her head.

Meng Lan looked at her for a moment before saying, "Let's take her home. We should be cautious in case she bites back."

Just then, a villager passing by with a bicycle recognized the madwoman. "Ah, she's the eldest daughter of the second uncle's family, the first household to the north of the village! Just take her home, the head of their household is there!"

"Sorry, can I ask how she became like this? Was she born this way?" Meng Lan asked, recalling the village chief's mention of child abduction to prevent mental disabilities caused by inbreeding.

"She was harmed by someone."

"Someone harmed her?"

"The past is hard to explain, and it's none of your business. Just take her home and don't let her wander around. She's pitiful." The old man pushed his bicycle and left without looking back.

The five of them walked together towards the madwoman's house.

Meng Lan walked alongside Zhao Che and calmly said, "Zhao Ge, there's more than one person with mistaken ideas."

Zhao Che remained silent.

Standing at the door was the slender girl, her figure thin, her eyes sharp. She was still wearing the clothes from last night when she spied on Meng Lan.

She looked at the madwoman approaching and said slowly, "Miao Miao, you're back!"