Selena's Daughter

"Anyway, he's handsome! You'll believe me when you see him!" Despite what had happened, Meredith was still protective of Pierre.

"Then tell him to come to my wedding. After all, he's my future brother-in-law, so it'd be inappropriate if he doesn't show up." Megan smiled flatteringly at her.

If Pierre could come, it'd be a huge honor to my wedding! Naturally, Meredith couldn't make that decision on Pierre's behalf. Nevertheless, Megan's words had enlightened her that whatever the case, to other people, she was the mother of the twins, and it was an irrefutable fact.

As long as the lie wasn't exposed, she would never lose the fight to that woman.

"Okay." Meredith agreed to it. No matter what happened, she had to ask Pierre to attend Megan's wedding. When they appeared together in public, she would officially be seen as his partner.

"That's wonderful. We'll need a flower girl now." All of a sudden, Megan snapped her fingers. "Selena's daughter!"