Family Day

Selena jogged all the way into the kindergarten where the teacher and Juniper were playing with building blocks while waiting for her. "I'm sorry, Miss Monroe! I'm really sorry." She started apologizing the moment she stepped into the room.

The teacher, on the other hand, seemed used to such a thing. "It's okay, Miss Yard." "I'm really sorry to have troubled you. I promise there won't be a next time."

Juniper put away her things before walking over to Selena. "Mommy, I'll just go to the washroom for a while, okay?" As she said that, she all but skipped away.

"Miss Yard, we'll be having Family Day at the end of the month. This is the kindergarten's monthly activity, so the school attaches great importance to it every time. It'll be Juniper's first time attending, so I hope you can make time for it."

"Family Day? What's Family Day?"