"Ten million is such a small amount! It won't even cover the mortgage for this house! Even the salary for the servants alone amounts to a hundred thousand!" The situation left Jezebelle feeling dismal. She spent millions on her skincare products alone. If she were to take into account the apparel and clothes that she regularly bought, ten million wouldn't even sustain her for a year.
"Are you still dreaming of having servants? You should pluck your head out of the clouds and be grateful that you don't need to live on the streets!"
Glaring at Roland, she snapped, "It's all your daughter's fault! Not only did she buy off your company, but she kicked you, her father, out of it!"
"Oh, your daughter isn't any better! She's constantly trying to plot against people, but her schemes wound up backfiring on herself! By the way, Meredith is a celebrity, so why isn't she helping us out financially when we're in such a predicament?"