In the bustling city of Shinjuku, a high school student Aki Yukito finds himself seated next to the popular "gal" of the class, Futaba Hinata. With her flashy fashion sense, Hinata quickly becomes the attention among their classmates. Despite Hinata's harboring a hatred on Yukito, Yukito always discovers a different side of Hinata.
"Good morning, Futaba-san"
"Please don't ever talk to me again"
Wow nice book, good talent and you deserve more reader's and reviews, I will like to share some tips to boost your book performance, Are you open to that ?
Overall, your story offers a refreshing take on the high school romance genre, delivering a heartfelt and thought-provoking story that resonates long after the final page. With its compelling characters and dynamic storytelling, this novel is sure to captivate readers seeking a blend of romance, drama, and genuine human connection. I'm enjoying your story Kak! But, please keep updating your story!!
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