C.P. // Noah Emanuel Ferris Everglade
After sitting down at the small round table silence fell upon them. A weird atmosphere was definitely present. It seemed so awkward even birds seemed to prefer to avoid that place.
To break the silence while waiting, the empress began with a conversation.
''How have you been? Is your mother still as nice as ever?''
The Empress smile when she said that, meanwhile thinking the polar opposite.
''Nice as ever? Yes, right. It should be as evil as ever? Neglecting her son, after cursing him. A hell of a mother! Poor boy.''
Right everyone thinks I love the Ruby Empress, my mother. Everyone couldn't be more wrong! I hate, no I detest her. From the bottom of my heart.
Of course, I couldn't say that. It would look stupid for a boy to hat his mother at this age without any reason, so he answered while averting the question.
''She is a wise ruler. And has a lot on her plate.''
''I see…''
The empress said, not convinced. She knew very well what a disgraceful mother the Ruby empress was. She knew so much about every Empress, in the book in my previous life she had read about them. That was one of the charming aspects of the books, every time there was a new main character, with their own characteristics goals and hopes. But it ended each time with a cliff hanger, because of the Crown Prince's death.
It was engulfing to see, and to guess if this empress was the one who would break the curse, and become the Crowned Empress.
If you became the Crowned Empress you were granted the same, sometimes even higher, rights then the Emperor, as well as the only woman in the empire for who it was possible to bear the new heirs. The first child would be named Crown Prince, all other ones were princes wo later on became dukes or Extremely high ranking nobles, who had no right of succession, to avoid the bloody tragedy of succession.
'so he will not tell me anything? Well no wonder, we don't know each other. But I do wonder, which life is this?'
Her fixed stare was locked on him, but strangely it felt comfortable.
''Your Majesty. If I may ask you something?''
''Of course, but feel free to address me informally. Call me Magnolia or Mag for short.''
''Well then. Magnolia…''
At the mentioning of her full name the empresses face seemed to turn a tick sadder that before.
''How do you think my mother is?''
The Empresses eyes widened, letting the sun reflect even more in them. Her eyes were shining, but she was clearly taken aback.
''How do I answer such a vague question? How do I think the woman with the highest authority is?''
She paused and stopped for a moment, the continued with a silent voice.
''A ruler in general has to be wise, kind to the people, loving, while being bound to the expectations of the subjects. It's a double edged sword or was it blade? I can never seem to remember. It's a pity isn't it?''
I noticed from the start that she was evading the answer, but why would she do that? Is there any reason?
'Did mother treat her badly? Is she having trouble?'
''Sword is correct. Very fitting for my mother.''
He only now realised what that last unimportant sentence gave away.
'So she didn't avoid my question. She indicated it. But how much? Can I ask that?'
''Fitting you say. On this I agree. But I wonder, what is the prince doing in his free time? I saw you reading a book? What was it about?''
The young prince didn't know what the question meant for her. It was one indicator for her to tell which life the prince was in.
''The book is about magic. Fire magic to be precise.''
She immediately realised what life this was. Life 7. This life he was supposed to support not one empress, but his brother.
'What a poor ending it was. The seventh life for me was the hardest to read. For once the main characters were both considerably happy. They grew up and the prince used his powers to save his brother multiple times, but in the end his own mother killed the brother, who she didn't want on the throne by giving him poison.'
''I see.''
The boy didn't say anything, nonetheless it was strange for him to receive such a calm reaction when he told somebody about his interests in reading. Usually the other person would say something like what a genius he was, if he was just joking or disregard it as a lie. None was the case here. Rather the woman seemed lost in thought, disinterested and weirdly simultaneously interested.
'What a strange woman she is.'
The boy thought. His interest was growing wider with every passing breeze.
'I am dying to know why the empress suddenly talks to me. Is something up? Does she maybe know about my life? Is she also experiencing it?'
The boy who was on the right path of thinking disregarded the thought way to quick, out of fear that she knew what he had done.
'No. It must be something else! Yes, Yes!'
Now the empress was looking at the motionless boy. She agonized about what to do from now on. She knew how to break the curse, and she knew how it all ended, death.
In the last book, The Empress Of Blood And Shadow, the crown prince killed everyone. The first Empress was the last one standing with his brother. He rushed to save him, even after neglecting, mistreating and abandoning him, in an act of regretful loving.
''The ending… It's no good.''
Unaware of her words the Empress blurted out, this sentence. The boy's eyes widened and he was left baffled.
''What did you just say?''
Upon noticing her mistake, the empress broke her façade. She awkwardly laughed and kame up with a rather unbelievable excuse.
''Ah… The ending is bad… The Ending of… The book! Yes. The book's ending.''
She laughed nervously. The boy was only more astonished.
''You are interested in magic?''
Right after asking, the boy leaped out of his chair, banging his hands onto the table. His eyes glowing with anticipation. With such a reaction the overwhelmed empress couldn't help but smile at him and his cute figure.
She knew very well that before her stood a much older man, mentally. On the other hand, physically he was only a cute adorable seven-year-old boy. As cute as a baby kitten.
''You are so cute; you know that?''
The boy blushed at the obvious remark. And the empress flushed with embarrassment. Now trying to correct what she just said, by coordinating unsmooth hand movements with jumping eyes and hastily babbled words.
''Well… I didn't mean that. Not like that exactly. Nonetheless you are cute, so dont get me wrong. You are probably cuter that all the other kids your age. I mean your eyes. Have you ever looked at you? Ah, no! I didn't. God I am spouting nonsensical words. Ignore it, don't take it to heart. Of course you could, cause it's all true. You are cute. Overwhelmingly. Yes, that's a fact. But well…''
The boy faced the floor, his curls hanging before his face, covering it.
''I am sorry. I don't want to sound strange. I promise I have no intentions to use you, get onto your god side or such stuff. I promise with all my heart. I would even swear if you'd want me to, even if I am not religious.''
''Do you mean it?''
The boy, was filled with hope, almost overflowing. All his life he wanted only two things. Love and trust. And even if he had lived so many lives his mind was still child's, only filled with memory's which he never wished were his own.
''Do I mean it?''
The Empress looked at the boy, seeing his red ears.
'He is embarrassed. How adorable!'
''Yes. Even if I don't know why. It just happened to be like that.''
The boys head darted up, looking at her with wet eyes. She was also flashing her kindest and brightest smile at him.
The woman sized all her courage and asked, something that he did not expect.
''Do you like me?''
The boy thought back as they were sitting here at this table. Soon he loudly proclaimed his affirmation in his cute style.
''Then that is a relieve. I wouldn't know what to do if I had received the other answer.''
Together they sat there chatting away, until about one hour later, then the boy had to leave. Why he didn't want to say, instead he just smiled, raised a finger to his moth, signalling the quiet sign and spoke in a mysterious voice.
''You'll know. For now, it's a secret.''
He chuckled and turned his body around. Only too look back and say his final goodbye.
''Goodbye. I'll see you!''
''I'll be waiting, darling.''
She gracefully shouted after him as he ran away, while he was still in reach. She could see his ears redden and couldn't contain her smile. Even if she was unsure of why how and for what reason they would meet up once again later.
Suddenly then the bush behind her rustled. Out came an infamously famous person.
''Why are you here?''
The empress turned around, wearing a stony impression, while looking at the royal knight looking at her.
She knew just too well how embarrassed the former Magnolia had been, when she received the mistreatment of the knights.
I believe the chapter was titled The Princess Without Any Knights. The title gave the content away.
It was the day she had to choose her personal escort, and knights captain. A rather rainy day, which added to the atmosphere.
As the princes asked the knights if anyone wanted to volunteer, nobody came forth. Everyone stayed back. Knowing what would happen if they went forth, since nobody knew better that the knights what happened when you defamed the crown princes order, who had never supported her during that time. But now in this life it became clear that the knights acted out of falls believes. It was the Ruby Queen who had ordered them not to go forth in the name of the crown prince.
Never once was she granted a knight, because they all feared death if they accepted. So she had never gotten any protection in all her time in the palace. That was maybe why neither of the Empresses were interested in her. Nobody talked to her. Nobody helped her or neglected her. She was treated like air, by everyone.
As you read the story one learned to understand why. Hope.
'Why did they all hope? Fools.'
As a reader the former reader Jen knew very well how it felt to have hope, but she also knew how it was to never have it granted, her wishes.
''You have to get ready. The knight appointing ceremony is about to begin.''
''What is, knight?''
The male flinched at the cold remark and lowered his head, gritting his teeth in anger.
''The appointment of your knight is being held in the grand hall in one hour.''
''I see. Leave now. I'll be heading in now.''
She said with a deathly stare. Tuning away.
Her heart was acing. The past experiences she had had were resting heavily upon her mood.
'Why do I have to go through this humiliation once again? Am I a clown?'
So she just went on, passing her servants, whom were luckily on her side as they came here with her from their old country.
After reaching her chambers a maid came in carrying an elegant dress. Stopping and bowing to her then raising her head again, all this went on without any words until the maid spoke up.
''Shall we get ready now your Majesty?''
''Yes please. Thank you Maddie.''
''It's my job, your Majesty.''
Then they went on, bathing in a lavender fragmented bath, combing her hair as well as plaiting it into a loose on the side hanging French-braid. Then they took about her dress and she tried it on. When she was done, she strode towards a mirror, looking into it.
'Oh my god, I can't get used to my stunning appearance. I know I was described as the most beautiful of all the empresses, but this is just too much.'
The dress was completely white, nevertheless it had a modern style to it. With its green adornments it looked truly stunning. Her neck had a high collar, tightly embracing her skin, with silver chains hanging from the middle as chains hanging down, a t the end adorned with little green Emerald butterfly's. It was shoulder-free but her sleeves were fastened under her axels, reaching loosely to her back of the hand, one piece fastened around her middle finger. Her skirt was long, with a train, a graceful lace was embodied around her waistline. The strapless dress was fitting perfectly.
She looked stunning. Outshining the stars.
Just as she was done, a knock was heard at the door.
'Why could it be? Who would come now?'
''May I come inside?''
Her face couldn't cover her surprise but she still smiled brightly. Which cheered up the maids, after seeing her madam smile after so long.
''Shall I open the door, your Majesty?''
''Yes, please do so.''
She said a little overexcited, making the maid laugh.
So she stepped forth. Opening the beautiful door door.