Scheduled journey

Alex paced nervously in the cramped motel room, his phone pressed to his ear as he attempted to navigate a conversation with his boss. "Uh, yeah, hi, Dr. Girkin," he began, the strain evident in his voice. He winced as the voice on the other end launched into a tirade, its echoes bouncing off the walls of the tiny room. "and yes,I realize it's an ungodly hour back in Cali, but… listen…Yeah, the Grandma's expedition was a bust. But... I stumbled upon a discovery of a lifetime!"

His attention was momentarily diverted as Drayvos emerged from the restroom, a look of childlike wonder on his face. "Hot waterfalls on demand?!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the shower.

Clearing his throat, Alex refocused on the call. "I found a marble statue of a long-lost son of Ares in…" His gaze drifted towards the washroom, where the sound of rushing water drowned out his words. "...perfect condition."

Suddenly, yelps and howls pierced the air, "Hot! hot HOT!" followed by a string of curses in a language long forgotten. Alex winced, attempting to maintain his professional demeanor as chaos unfolded in the adjacent room. "Yes, Dr. Girkin, I personally verified every..." He trailed off, his voice faltering momentarily. "...inch. This statue is indeed a long-lost son of Ares, perfectly preserved."

"Picture?! Oh crap! I was so engrossed in the examination that I completely forgot to snap one!" Alex's hand smacked his forehead in frustration. "Size?" he inquired, his gaze drifting toward the washroom, where the sounds of a comical struggle echoed through the room.

Suddenly, a crash reverberated, followed by the sight of Drayvos, wrapped head to toe in a shower curtain, slamming into the door. "DIE, FOWL BEAST!" he bellowed, wrestling with the offending curtain.

"At least seven feet tall…" Alex couldn't tear his eyes away from the spectacle of a Demi-God locked in a fierce battle with a humble hotel shower curtain.

"Weight? 7 feet worth of …" Alex's voice trailed off as Drayvos effortlessly tore the shower curtain to shreds with his godlike strength, "perfectly sculpted marble."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor," Alex said, nodding in appreciation. "I'll let you get some rest and give me a call when you have more information." With a grateful smile, he ended the call. "Yes, I'll definitely take some photos as soon as I can!" he mumbled to himself before setting down his phone. He looked up and erupted in laughter as he found Drayvos standing before him, panting and red-faced, covered in a mess of shower curtain shreds.

"The monster... has been... defeated!" Drayvos declared triumphantly, pointing dramatically at the destroyed shower, his breath still coming in ragged bursts of exertion.

That evening, Alex sat propped up in his hotel bed, tucked snugly under the covers. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched the towering figure of Drayvos attempt to settle into the bed adjacent to his own. Yet, it seemed no matter how the giant contorted himself, his feet and knees stubbornly protruded beyond the confines of the bed, looming awkwardly over the floor.

With an exasperated huff, Drayvos finally conceded defeat and rose from the bed, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. He ambled over to the couch, hoping for a more accommodating resting place, only to find his broad shoulders and lengthy limbs spilling over the edges.

In a moment of sheer frustration, Drayvos tossed a pillow onto the floor and stretched out on the carpet, his massive form sprawling across the ground.

"Do you need your bed's blankets while you're down there?" Alex inquired politely, though a mischievous glint danced in his eyes. With an unexpected tug, Drayvos's colossal hand yanked all the sheets and bedding adjacent to Alex's bed, scattering them across the floor. "Never mind… it seems you're all set," Alex remarked, suppressing a chuckle as he settled back down, flicking off the bedside lamp.

In the quiet darkness of the room, their thoughts meandered along similar paths.

"What a bizarre day..." they both mused almost simultaneously, their minds wandering through the whirlwind of events. "And what an intriguing individual he is... did he truly speak the truth today?" As Alex and Drayvos each turned away, unaware of the other's musings, their thoughts lingered on the enigmatic connection that had sparked between them.

That morning, Alex placed an order for room service, mindful of Drayvos' limited wardrobe consisting solely of his Perizoma, the casualty of his epic duel with the shower curtain that had ended in a torn bathrobe.

Lost in contemplation, Alex pondered the logistics of legally transporting the unregistered giant behemoth out of Greece and back to the United States. As he mulled over the possibilities, a sudden revelation sparked in his mind.

"Hey Drayvos, can you transform into a statue at will?" Alex inquired between spoonfuls of yogurt.

Sitting up, Drayvos pondered the question for a moment before obliging, shifting effortlessly into the form of a marble statue before reverting back to his human guise. "It appears so," he remarked with a casual shrug.

"How long can you maintain that form?" Alex pressed further.

"I cannot say for certain. I have only just discovered this ability yesterday," Drayvos admitted.

A mischievous grin spread across Alex's face as he reached for his phone. "Let me make a call... I think I may have just found a solution to getting you back home," he declared with newfound confidence.

Seagulls cried overhead, their calls mingling with the deep bellow of fog horns, while the salty scent of the sea enveloped Alex and Drayvos as they stood before the imposing silhouette of a massive sea-faring vessel at the bustling docks of Port Athens.

"This ship is not as grand as I imagined," Drayvos murmured, his gaze sweeping over the colossal shipping vessel. "Olympus dwarfs this in comparison." The massive vessel was covered stem to stern with multicolored shipping containers. 

Alex, craning his neck to meet Drayvos's towering stature, couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Well, I reckon everything in your realm is larger than life."

Drayvos nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed Alexander. But why are we headed aboard this unsightly cube covered ship?"

Amused by Drayvos's candid curiosity, Alex explained, "You see, without proper registration or a passport, flying commercially to California is out of the question. However, statues don't require visas or passports for travel. Hence, we'll package you up as a colossal statue and ship you back to the States."

Drayvos frowned at the notion of spending his maiden sea voyage confined to a crate. "The entire journey packed up like cargo?"

Alex sensed Drayvos's unease and offered reassurance. "No, just until we reach open waters. Once we're clear of the port, I'll set you free from your crate to roam the ship. But you must remain in statue form until I give the signal."

Surveying the bustling harbor, Alex spotted a myriad of shops and vendors. "But before we embark, how about we explore the markets to gather essentials for your journey?"

Eyes lighting up with enthusiasm, Drayvos grinned. "Ah, the markets! I've always enjoyed the vibrant bustle of the marketplace!"

Exiting a touristy clothing emporium, Dryvos emerged with the largest button-up shirt available, yet it still clung to his Herculean frame as if pleading for mercy, its buttons threatening to pop at any moment.

Struggling with the confines of his island shorts, so tight it could have been plastic food wrap, Dryvos winced. "This is far more uncomfortable than my Perizoma," he grumbled, attempting to alleviate the discomfort by very undiscreetly adjusting his attire in various places.

Passersby and tourists gawked in amazement and astonishment as the seven foot giant Drayvos struggled with his attire.

With a resigned sigh, Alex conceded, "And despite your valiant efforts, you still manage to attract stares even in the most conventional of garments. But considering the length of our journey, you might want to consider expanding your wardrobe beyond just one pair of Perizomas."

"How long must we endure this voyage to your homeland?" Dryvos inquired, futilely attempting to relieve an itch beneath the unforgiving fabric.

Consulting his phone for the itinerary, Alex replied, "We depart from Greece, traverse the strait of Gibraltar, head southwest toward the Panama Canal, then ascend northward along the coast of the Americas, ultimately docking in the Port of Oakland." Letting out a heavy sigh, he added, "The entire journey is estimated to take between 20 to 30 days, with variables such as weather and maritime traffic influencing the duration."

Dryvos grimaced at the prospect of spending a month ensconced in ill-fitting attire.

Gazing out over the bustling waters of the docks, Alex remarked, "We're embarking on a voyage across the sea to a landmass on the far side of the world. Rest assured, unlike in your time, the Earth is not flat, and there's no risk of falling off the edge."

"I am well aware of the spherical nature of celestial bodies," Dryvos retorted, a hint of irritation coloring his tone. "Your kind may have been simple-minded, but we gods were not."

Acknowledging the truth in Dryvos's words, Alex's expression brightened. "Say, what do you think about visiting a fabric store?"

Dryvos's face lit up with equal enthusiasm. "Togas!" he exclaimed triumphantly, his booming voice echoing across the docks.