At the unadorned table of the ship's mess hall, two pairs of eyes and hands were interlocked, a connection sparking for the first time, igniting unfamiliar and stirring emotions.
Drayvos, grappling with sensations he couldn't quite comprehend, found himself at a loss for words. His usually stalwart demeanor faltered in the face of this newfound vulnerability. "I…I… I don't know what to say, or how to say it…" The mighty champion of the Pantheon, who had battled legendary beasts with unwavering strength, now felt utterly helpless with his hands cradled in Alex's.
For Alex, this moment marked the emergence of a burgeoning infatuation that held the promise of something deeper—perhaps even love. It had been months, years even, since he had felt such genuine affection.
"Shh, Drayvos…" Alex's soothing voice gently interrupted, his grip on the giant's hands tightening reassuringly. "You don't need to say anything. I'm here with you now. You're not alone, not anymore." He offered a tender smile, watching as the behemoth's hands softened in a way Drayvos himself had never known they could. "And for now, let's just sit here and savor this moment together."
As they gazed deeply into each other's eyes, an unspoken understanding passed between them, binding their souls in an intimate connection. Their breathing slowed, synchronizing until they were both enveloped in a tranquil harmony, allowing themselves to be fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment.
A serene moment shattered.
A blaring, deafening alarm tore through the tranquility of the ship, its piercing wail echoing through the halls and reverberating into the mess hall. Red alarm lights flickered, casting an ominous glow as the urgent sound ripped apart the perfect moment. Then, the captain's voice crackled over the speakers.
"Attention all hands, Code Black approaching. I repeat, Code Black. This is not a drill. Code black."
Alex and Drayvos exchanged startled glances as the once tranquil mess hall fell into chaos with the clamor of startled and scared kitchen staff abandoning their duties and fleeing.
The Captain's authoritative voice continued to command attention, cutting through the chaos. "All hands, prepare for stage 1 assault. All civilian personnel, please return to your quarters. Lockdown protocol will commence in one minute."
With a sense of urgency, Alex leaped from his seat and dashed into the hallway, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Drayvos, ever towering and formidable, rose to his feet but misjudged the height, inadvertently striking his head against the overhead bulkhead. Yet, instead of causing him pain, the impact only succeeded in bending the iron girder, a testament to his immense strength.
"Alexander?!" Drayvos's voice echoed through the hallway as he emerged beside Alex, concern etched across his features. "What is happening?"
"I don't know, big guy," Alex replied, scanning the corridor frantically until his eyes landed on a passing cook. "Hey!" he called out, halting the man in his tracks. "What's a code black?"
The cook, his face contorted with terror, managed to stammer out a single word before breaking free and sprinting down the hallway. "Pirates…"
"Pirates?" Drayvos questioned, his brow furrowing as he glanced down at Alex. "The ones in the Caribbean with the green lights and the clearing of coasts to raid and pillage?"
Alex's expression darkened with dread. "Yes, Drayvos…but modern-day pirates are…" His voice trailed off, unable to fully articulate the horrors that awaited, "Much worse."
But Drayvos, ignited by the hero's spirit within him, straightened his posture and puffed out his chest. "Then Drayvos, son of Ares, God of War, will vanquish these pirates!"
Realizing the magnitude of the danger and the ancient warrior's naivety, Alex's desperation surged. "No, Drayvos! These pirates don't wield swords or fangs—they use modern weapons!" He grasped at Drayvos's toga, attempting to anchor him in place as the giant marched resolutely toward the exit. "Nowadays, pirates have automatic artillery and rifles! They are 'shoot first and ask questions never'!"
But Drayvos remained steadfast. "I can turn to stone and withstand their weapons," he declared proudly, forging ahead with unwavering determination.
"Not in this day and age, Drayvos!" Alex's voice reverberated with urgency as he tugged at the giant's arms, his grip tight with desperation. "Modern weapons can blast marble and stones to pieces. Metal bullets fired at supersonic speeds tear through stone as if it were paper! Please, Drayvos," he pleaded, his words weighted with genuine concern and fear.
Drayvos paused, turning to face Alex, and in that moment, he saw the raw desperation etched into Alex's eyes.
"They will kill you," Alex reiterated firmly, his hand still clasped tightly around Drayvos' wrist. "At least in our bunk, we have metal doors we can barricade ourselves behind."
Feeling the weight of Alex's plea and the sincerity of his desperation, Drayvos conceded defeat with a gentle nod. "I have no desire to bring harm upon you, Alexander. If hiding is your wish, then hide we shall."
But before they could fully process their next move, the captain's urgent voice crackled over the ship's intercom once more, sending a chill down their spines. "Intruder alert! We have been boarded! I repeat, we have been boarded. All hands, prepare for stage 2 assault. Ready yourselves for close combat and anti-artillery defensive measures…" The captain's words were abruptly cut off by the deafening roar of gunfire and the clatter of assault weapons echoing from the bridge.
"They're on the bridge…" Alex gasped, his eyes widening in alarm as he scanned the corridors above and around them.
"I may not be familiar with this realm, but Olympus had its own bridge," Drayvos spoke with a hint of caution, his gaze sweeping the hallway as he processed the imminent danger. "If these pirates have seized control of our bridge, then we are indeed in grave peril, Alexander."
"Come on, Drayvos," Alex urged, his voice trembling with fear, as he hurried towards the nearest doorway, "Let's get out of..." His sentence trailed off abruptly as the door swung open, revealing two ominous figures stepping through.
The pirates were lean, their features weathered and grimy, unmistakably from the Oceania region. Yet, what truly sent shivers down Alex's spine were the AK-47 machine guns they brandished with chilling confidence.
Locked in a terrifying gaze, Alex felt his heart pound erratically as the pirates raised their weapons, taking aim at him and Drayvos. His breath caught in his throat as they both squeezed their triggers.
In an instant, the hallway erupted into chaos as a storm of bullets tore through the air, the deafening roar of gunfire reverberating off the walls.
Before Alex could even process what was happening, he felt two colossal hands seize him, wrenching him backward as a massive figure of muscle and cloth enveloped and shielded him from the onslaught of bullets hurtling their way. Held tightly in the protective embrace, Alex sensed a sudden transformation as warmth gave way to a solid, icy coldness akin to metal.
Opening his eyes, Alex beheld the sight of a towering statue of Drayvos looming behind him, a formidable barrier of solid tungsten chromium carbide—the densest and strongest metal known to man—blocking the hail of gunfire that had erupted in the hallway.
As the echoes of gunfire subsided into silence, the tension in the air remained palpable, the aftermath of the pirates unloading their entire magazines at the impenetrable metal form protecting Alex.
Trembling with a mixture of terror and relief, Alex found himself cradled in the reassuring presence of Drayvos, who had reverted back to his human form while still shielding his companion. Drayvos gently guided Alex's trembling hands to rest against his giant pectoral muscle, offering words of comfort in a calm and reassuring tone. "It is alright, Alexander. Have no fear, my friend."
Still reeling from the shock of being targeted by gunfire, Alex lifted his head to meet Drayvos' gaze. "You... you saved me," he murmured, a newfound sense of gratitude and admiration welling within him.
Drayvos nodded solemnly, his expression a mixture of determination and righteous anger. "I am not just pretty rock statue in back alley street," he replied sofly, releasing Alex from his protective embrace as he rose to his full height. Turning to face their assailants down the hallway, a fierce resolve burning in his eyes, Drayvos spoke with unwavering conviction. "I am capable of much more." he growled, his voice resonating with seething masculine fury, "You dared to threaten my Alexander," he roared as he took purposeful strides forward, ready to confront their enemies head-on.