
Still gathered in the living room, Alex, Drayvos, and Tiffany continued their lively conversation, recounting the whirlwind of events they had experienced.

"So, let me get this straight," Tiff interjected, her eyes wide with disbelief. "You two managed to find time for sex in your bunk, your shower, the pantry on the ship, in your hotel room in Panama, and in every single room on this ship?"

"Even right where you are sitting," Drayvos chimed in with a mischievous grin.

"How are you not, like, completely worn out?" Tiff marveled, genuinely impressed by Drayvos's seemingly boundless stamina.

"That's a good question," Alex mused, furrowing his brow in contemplation. "We did it twice today alone, and I'm not feeling the least bit raw. And remember when we christened the boat? Not a hint of discomfort afterward. Normally, I'd be hobbling around for a day and a half after just two rounds."

"Ethaaran genetics," Drayvos offered matter-of-factly. "I heal quickly."

"But what about me?" Alex countered, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Drayvos replied, "Oh my dear Alexander, you have certainly ingested your fair share of Ethaaran genetic material," accompanied by a playful wink.

"Wow, Alex, I must admit, I'm a tad but envious," Tiff confessed, eyeing Drayvos appreciatively. "I wouldn't mind a piece of man meat like that with an appetite to match."

Drayvos didn't miss a beat. "You wish to try?" he quipped, his gaze lingering on Tiff with undeniable allure.

"Whoa, hold up! You're Alex's boyfriend, and he's right here!" Tiff exclaimed, her expression a mix of surprise and concern.

"Yeah, I'm right here!" Alex interjected, raising an eyebrow at Drayvos.

"Oh...right," Drayvos acknowledged, a hint of realization dawning on him. Turning to Alex, he broached a new topic. "Alexander, we never did discuss your thoughts on monogamy, did we?"

Thinking about what he knew of Greek Mythology, the God's promiscuity, and the realm his love was raised in, Alex was not surprised at Drayvos demeanor towards Monogamy.

But at the same time, who was he to claim righteous when he knew himself had been with multiple guys at once. He then spoke his one rule of dating, "Hmm, well, I do have one major rule when it comes to dating guys," Alex pondered, his expression thoughtful. "You can go ahead and sleep around with as many girls as you want, but when it comes to guys, I'm the only one."

"So, let me get this straight," Tiffany interjected, seeking clarification. "You're okay with your boyfriend having sex with me?"

Drayvos glanced at Alex, silently seeking approval.

With a mischievous grin, Alex nodded in acceptance. "Well Tiff, I did miss your birthday, didn't I? Consider him your birthday present from me," he quipped, motioning with open hands towards Drayvos.

Standing up, Drayvos extended an open hand towards Tiffany, a sultry and lust filled smile gracing his features. "I have mastered the art of making love to a man, but I have yet to experience the pleasure of a woman's touch," he explained, his voice filled with anticipation. "Come, Tiffany. Let me show you the passion of my embrace and make sweet love to you, as a gift from my Alexander." he seductivly kissed her hands.

"Oh! Like, right now?!" Tiffany exclaimed excitedly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Well, lucky for me, I have a blind date tomorrow, and I got all cleaned up today!" With a spring in her step, she darted into the master bedroom, eager to indulge in the unexpected pleasure.

As Drayvos moved to follow, a gentle hand on his wrist brought him to a halt. Alex fixed him with a serious gaze, his voice firm but tinged with affection. "Go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but remember, Drayvos. My heart belongs to you alone."

"And mine to you." Drayvos reassured him, his eyes filled with devotion, "This is merely a curious experiment," he ended with a wink.

Addressing Drayvos once more, Alex continued, "I have work in the morning, so I'll grab a bite to eat and crash on the couch. Tiffany's my best friend, and she deserves a night to remember." With a cheerful wave, he bid them farewell as he exited the yacht. "Have fun you two!"

Tiffany giggled like a schoolgirl as Drayvos entered the room with eager anticipation, closing the door behind him. The promise of an unforgettable night hung in the air as they embraced the newfound adventure that lay ahead.