CH- 6 Ethan hawthrone


As the explosion echoed through surrounding areas, everyone turned their tails in various routes, their cries filling the air.


"Hey, look, there's smoke over there."

"D-Don't tell me it's those rumored Eclipse Shadows terrorists."

"T-They're here too... I'm finished, Just leave this city."

The knights, fully armored, immediately moved towards the site of destruction, fulfilling their duty to protect their people; it made their legs propel them forward.


All soldiers assemble while coughing, and as the dust clears, a massive crater was formed as a figure come out from the blackened dust, gripping dual naked swords and wearing a black fox mask.


A second passed away, More figures, similarly masked, stood beside him. A demon-like woman aims her spear-like weapon into their direction, giving order with icy tune. "Leave no survivors."

"As you command!" The figures obeyed, rushing forward to eliminate all within their sight.

A youthful knight elevated his shield overhead, shouting, "In the name of our noble kingdom, apprehend every perpetrator. Endeavor to preserve your own life and catch these intruders alive for our investigation."

"Hooooo!" The knight let out a battle cry, encircling every single black-clad figure with fellow warriors.

"Tsk, bothersome swarms." Henry grumbled loudly as he swung his dual sword, effortlessly slicing abdomen through numerous adversaries like a cup of tea.

"AHHHHH!" Their bodies cleaved into half and the upper one collapsed on the ground, The lower part erected on legs while the blood spurted out and guts spreaded.

[Illusion steps!] Zeno thought to herself as she existed from everyone's vision, channeling Se into her body.

Its blue glow augments the boundary of her second skin, leaking out the dense energy in air.

With each new step, an aftermath trailed behind, causing confusion among her enemies as to which one was the real Zeno.

"It's this one." As they go all out to harm her with weapons and the knights touch her body…




It evanesced, into thin air as the knight dropped, leaving a clean line across their neck, breaching their defense.

[Thunder bolt!] An electricity swirled around Henry's swords, And as his right sword utilized in crescent motion, A thunderbolt shot forth.

As blue shockwaves touched someone's body, It seared through vessels, cooking the very skin within its range, As the effects only amplify after having metal armor on body.

The knights fell lifeless on the ground, As other soldiers continued fighting until their last breath.


In the underground of a petite kingdom, within a sci-fi modern room, a man was laying on bed with lazy eyes.

He had long brown hair, an average face, and black eyes, Name is Ethan hawthrone, at the peak of fusion realms.

He was looking into a transparent screen with a divert smirk, spying an ongoing battle in the kingdom. "Fufu~~ Aren't these members from the Eclipse shadow organization? They are much more hysterical than I could have fantasy."


The door of the room opened, and a man, head down on the floor like a servent, wearing a lab coat said, "We are ready, Your majesty."

"Oh, are we?" Ethan got out his butt off the bed and strolled with the lab-coated man.

They were in a vast chamber with around fifty tankers made of glass, where numerous humans, demons, and creatures of unknown races were submerged in a single tank saturated with purple liquid.

Crimson pipes were connected to their bodies. They appeared to be in a limitless slumber, yet still somehow alive and breathing.

Or perhaps some requisite process necessitated their immersion in these tanks, known only to these bastards responsible for their condition.

"How is the progress?" Ethan asked, walking straight forward, ignoring his surrounding environment.

"We have purified the pills, EternaVita, for those people, yet tryouts is about to inception." The lab-coated person study data on his tablet.

"What we have created this time while using the blood of vampires, demons, and dragons, grants magnifying abilities, regeneration, with minimal damage to oneself. Every pill permits a person to grow stronger for a minute. In the past, it was only 30 seconds-"


"What were you doing until now?" Veins popped from his temple as Ethan slapped the man.

The other scientists in hall looked at him with pity but didn't give a shit, astute that he would be angry at them for not working harder.


"I-I'm sorry!" The man who got hit, slammed to the white floor, not meeting his eyes directly with Ethan's.

"Three years!" Ethan put his foot on the man's face and rubbed it. "You took three years to consummate this shitty level of victory?"

"Your Majesty, please—Argh!" The man downward his boot tried to speak. "This time we will have better results and will also improve faster than in our previous time."


"Argghhhhh!" Ethan stomped his boot on the man's face, breaking his jaw at the joint point.

The man clenched his jaw while rolling on the ground as Ethan kicked him in the stomach. "Better you live on your words… And don't act like you're impaired. I will kill you in real life, you drama queen."

Everyone in the room shivered seeing his mood swing, As the lab coat man had no option but to weep in pain and try his best not to shriek.

Soon, with a mouth overfilled with sanguine fluid, the man transpired to his feet and ambulated toward a vitrine room.

There were many injured maidens shackled like subjugated slaves or servants.

At present, The two men were in a mirror type campartnemt, and the scientist gifted a small coffer containing verdant, nodular pills name EternaVita.

Ethan playfully struck the researcher's mandible, exclaiming. "Excellent work!"

—Sniff! —Sniff!

Tears flowed down his cheeks, the poor scientist exerted his utmost afforts to vociferate and outwardly exhibit any semblance of abhorrence.

"Fufufu~~" Seeing the man's lachrymose state, Ethan merely giggled as he assumed a squatting position before the women, who looked at him with reverent gaze.

He placed one of a verdant pill, EternaVita, into that woman's mouth. "Fear not, you shall be in heavens."

As the pill melted on her tongue...