CH-11 Joining the campus[2]

[Master, are you planning on sticking your nose into governments' matters?] Harriet noticed my irritated expression and supplicated.

"Well, those bureaucrats don't really matter to me." I replied with an exaggerated shrug. "But if they insist on being a thorn in my side, they'll get the pointy end of my wrath!"

Phew… It's not that I'm scared of them or anything. But diving into that political circus? No thanks, that's a three-ring nightmare I'd rather avoid.

I closed my eyes and adopted a wise old hag personality, Advised her from my old world's(Earth one) experience. "You see, once you allow yourself to get involved in those Machiavellian webs of red tape and backroom dealings, you can kiss your peaceful day a goodbye."

"Overall, It's a constant ache in the backside is the last thing this old soul needs. But don't you worry your pretty little head. Zeno and the whole gang have it all covered with this nifty little mask."

I tapped my nose conspiratorially, "We don't even need to go hacking security cameras. Those gumshoes won't have a recording what hit them if try to find the behind the scene person!"

Laughing maniacally, I checked my system and notification.


Name ➔ Iris Hope

Race ➔ Human

Bloodline ➔ Fox progenitor(Error)

CR(Cultivation realms) ➔ Fusion Realm

Stage ➔ 5Th ➔ 7Th

Exp ➔ 4880/ 5000

[ — Affinities — ]

1. Fire Mastery ➔ 16%

2. Dark Mastery ➔ 10 %

3. Thunder Mastery ➔ 12%

Inventory ➔ Id card |-| 7 lakhs gold |-| Bracelet |-| Smart Watch


[Killed a peak realms cultivator!

Reward: 12000 experience point are added.]


After Ethan's death, I instantly attained the seventh stage as experience points were automatically added. Hence or that means, every time I eliminate individuals, my Cultivation realms elevate autonomously.

"Mmm~" I hummed a cheerful tune, basking in the joy of not having to endure the excruciating pain anymore of a breakthrough. Or so I thought, until…


… Harriet bluntly shattered my happiness scenario. [You have to break through on your own after reaching the peak of the fusion realms while utilizing your spiritual energy.]

"...C-Can't you just zip it for a second and let me save this moment?" I muttered, wrinkles forming between my brows as I rubbed my throbbing temples in frustration.


"...Hah, now what does this mean about fox progenitor blood and these error messages?" Since I wasn't able to ask all my questions when Zeno showed up. Now is the amazing time for me to research everything thoroughly.

[That... Once you reach the Resonance Realms, your entire body will have a transformation.]

"...Okay, I don't mind having a full body transformation, as I've always dreamed of having fluffy tails." I responded without any annoyances, though deep down a slight hint of fluctuation procrastinates.

A complete physical change was absolutely a substantial matter...

Why wouldn't such a thing occur when reaching the Harmonization Realms instead?... Ahem!

"What about this ID card?" Picking the id card, I checked. It has my picture, Campus name, and my student identity.

[Oh, that?] Harriet responded with excitement, And explained. [Once children become adults at the age of 17, everyone joins a campus, academy, or university to grow up and create youthful memories.]

[I thought perhaps the Master would like to join one as well. You already have admission into the prestigious Apex campus. So, this is your entry card.]

Eh? Not like I mind this at all. In fact, I quite like the idea. I didn't have the best records in my previous lives.

On Earth, when I joined a university, I dropped out because it just wasn't fun for me. And in another life where I was a goddess, I didn't make any friends because I was so focused on becoming strong to fulfill my dreams.

I gazed at the ID card, with brand new enthusiasm. "Perhaps this time will be different… A chance to have both knowledge and enjoyment during these formative years."

[I nearly forgot, Master! Today is the beginning ceremony and no student should be late, otherwise you will face punishment.] Harriet nervously informed me.

Huh? Why didn't you tell me first! I wanted to scream loud but calmed myself down.

Now was not the time to argue. It was also my fault for not recalling all the memories I had retrieved from Harriet, but I needed to remember that I had only gained access to a few of her memories, not everything.

I made a mental note to be more diligent about reviewing the fragments that had been separated to me after our fusion.

While Harriet's consciousness now coexisted within me, Which accorded me some acuity into her past incidents, there are still many gaps to fill. Um, That will be afforded by her to mine in the near future.

Hmmm… with that, We could chat more to pass the time in the classroom.

I rose to my feet, stretching my limbs. "Are there any other details I should be aware of?"

[Yes, Master.] Harriet answered. [Your scholastic attire is neatly folded in the wardrobe, and the ceremony is scheduled for 7:00 AM.]

I diverted my gaze towards the timepiece mounted on the wall; The time was 6:33 AM.

Cutting it rather close, but I should still store an adequate window to prepare expeditiously if I dedicated my strength.

I step towards the almirah, with the hopes of procuring the mandated ensemble without undue complication.

For me, It is a big no to the paramount concern on this inaugural day was to circumvent any missteps that might lift from tardiness or sartorial impropriety.

Ah, Upon opening almirah's doors, I picked my uniform. Instead of donning it, I opted to transfer it into my interdimensional inventory.

[The Apex campus resides within Arcadia City.] Harriet apprised me. [If you harness your expeditious capabilities, you can arrive within 20 minutes.]

[Moreover, mobile communication devices are prohibited on campus; However, smartwatches, a complimentary provision for students, are permissible. Portable computing devices are also sanctioned.]

"I see!" I exclaimed, swiftly vanishing from the office in a blur, my fox mask was in my inventory and a smartphone relishing my left wrist.

It wasn't long Arcadia City's boundaries approached as I entered the final stretch...