CH-15 Iris vs... [1]

[Master, why did you...?] Harriet hesitated to complete her words but I interrupted her before she could.

'The reason is straightforward; I wanted Mia's parents to know that she is alive, but I also covet to unearth the motives behind her being bullied by her own family. Once they know their daughter is alive, I'm confident they won't simply idle there.'

Furthermore, I suspect Harriet may not have all her memories intact, as I have been unable to locate anyone in Mia's memories by the name of Ely White.

I also sought revenge against them but still their intentions hold no significance to me even if it was for Mia's sake.

You see, there's nothing redeemable about certifying the downfall of criminals. In my view, those who bully their offspring are indeed one of them but more cruel.

"..." the teacher has a blank expression. I started to wonder why she, too, seemed to offer commiseration to Ely's tearful attitude when she was me. What is their relationship?

'Ahh, I will remember your slap, bitch.' Sensing a palpable animosity directed towards me, I turned towards Chen Shen, the perpetrator of the recent affront.

'Thehehe~~ I like it.' A morally wrong smirk retained in my lips as I saw her complexion frightened yet hateness to me along with the rest of her companions.

It is noteworthy that the White family occupies a position of eminence among the global elite, ranking within the top 10 families worldwide.

In contrast, the group to which Chen Shen and her associates belong does not share such distinguished status.

Even the top family of our young master, though dauntless in its own right, registered a ranking one notch below that of the illustrious White lineage.

While I have no immediate plans to address 'my' Family directly, I have a scheme to annihilate their familial prestige.

"It's nice to be your colleague." My words were polite and I took my seat, turning a deaf ear to the feedback of the other students.

"G-Good, nice to meet you, Mi- I mean Iris hope." Gwen stuttered, And looked at the others. "I will be your history and martial arts teacher. Just call me sensei. And if anyone has a problem, come directly to me and not to any random strangers."

"O-Okay." Everyone nodded in agreement as I eyeball out of the window. It was often my habit to do so because… I knew I could patently effectuate my work at any time.

'It's all because I am a true genius.' As time drifted by, I thought to myself.

Our class's history period lasted for one hour, and we will have to spend a total of six hours on campus every day.

As the first hour passed away and the second one inaugurated, a double block spanning two hours as per timetable, time just marched onward.

"All of you, follow me to the training grounds." Gwen instructed us to usher from the classroom. I was ambling behind the rest of the group, my pace slowing a little.


We were in a mammoth and lofty hall, which was ample with training dummies. It was situated a bit away from the main buildings, adding approximately 10 minutes to our journey.

"Each of you, approach me one by one according to your roll number and choose your weapon." Gwen suggested, pointing Index finger towards a table displaying various types of weaponry arrangement.

Each person selected their personal weapon one by one, and when my turn came with the roll of 66, I patiently waited until now.

"What is your choice, Iris?" Gwen investigated me.

"Hmm..." I hummed aloud, perusing all the available weapons. In reality, I had already decided upon my answer.

"This one..." I picked up a katana which had a red sheath covering its blade. "It's made for me."

As my fingers were on the exposed portion of the blade, I could feel its razor sharpness, adroit to cut with the slightest touch.

The blade itself was a deep black hue, while the hilt had red designs with white dragon. Its shape of the blade tapered to a fine point, ideally elementary and facile to commend faithful cuts.

"Are you sure about your choice?" Gwen questioned me again. Perhaps she harks back that in the past Mia had biasedly applied a bow, but such a weapon like that would be of little abuse to me now.

"Yes!" I affirmed, sheathing my newly hook sword, And looked at her with a broad, confident smirk. "Weapons like a bow are very useless for my… appurtenant and admissible."

"Oh!" Gwen mildly stupefied by my dialogue.

After each individual had stipulated their aggrandize weapon, Gwen erected before us, a wicked smile playing upon her lips. And proposed. "Now, how about we plight in a duel?"

"Yeah!" A number of students cheered in enthusiastically.

"I'll prove myself to be number one in the class!" one student boasted his luck to show off.

"Sensei, please offer a reward as well. We'll strive our hardest." another one puffed his chest and added.

"Very well." Gwen acquiesced, nodding twice. "Whoever will have number performance after my exploration and anatomization… shall be the privilege of a one-day excursion with me, to a destination of their choosing. No-body has the sanction to quizz… Okay?"

"Ohhhhh!" The prospect elicited murmurs of approval from the entire group, as they invited her enticing idea.

"Everyone, please check your smartwatches...The code you will receive will be randomly assigned, and you must battle with the individual who shares your code."

As she spoke, Gwen tapped away at her own smartwatch, And a blue holographic displayed above her watch.


An alert came through on my wristwatch, notifying me that I had been summoned to fight with an individual whose code was 01.

Upon my examination, I saw another one, which corresponded to the number I had previously rolled during the weapon selection process: 66.

'It is apparent that these roll numbers were our unique identifiers or codes for the future duel.' I thought, As my opponent was…