CH-35 Drunken Iris

… Iris may have miscalculated. The rumbling seemed to be coming from Amelia's resuming reddening face rather than any hallucinations.

Uh oh, somebody was a very angry little volcano goddess tonight! Time to work on those sweet-talking skills…

If only Iris could just have a recollection of where her mouth was at this moment.


Suddenly, she was boss-eyed at Amelia, or was it two Amelias? Three?

They were all twerking together into one very unamused, very red-faced amalgamation.

"You don't look too happy, honeybunch." Iris slurred, giving her my most charming drunken smirk, she slid back and forth… similar to those drunk people.

'Did she always have horns? Red pitchfork too? Man, I must've really tied one on at the pub.'

She tried to focus on the figure, or multiplying Amelias. It was like a kaleidoscope of censure scowls and nasty brows.

… Ooh, was that steam coming out of her ears or had the pub accidentally set the draft to a flaming inferno?

—HIC! Aiyah… The room seemed to shake a little… Or maybe Iris was just seeing a quintuple at this point.

Raising the suspicious chocolate box in a wobbly toast, Iris pouted, namely as children.

"Don't worrrry dear, you're shtill the only...erm, ONE...for me! No boyfriends here. I got it from my friends. Anyways, I'm just your drunk loser or… a fiance eeeee!"


One second I was standing there, the next…


Iris completely sloshed and self rocketed like a drunk missile, tackling Amelia in a bear hug drunker than a hundred frat guys.

"There's myyy bay-beeee!" Iris slobbered, patting and stroking her wildly while squeezing tighter than an anaconda eyeing its next meal.


Just the forward seconds, Tears of pure, uncut drunken joy rolled down her cheeks as Iris bawled, "You'll be mama's gooood small daughter, won't cha? Don't you cry now, or mama's waterworks will never shut off!"

"... Get a grip, I'm your roommate!" Amelia squeaked, her corner of lips twitching with irritation.

Iris's very literally got a handshake on her. But she was too far gone, sobbing hard enough to put back-alley drifters to shame.

"Wahhhh! My baby doesn't love her mama any more?" Iris wailed, bottom lip quivering harder than a jackhammer on overdrive. "Mama always wanted a sweet little princess to spoil, but this old soul never got no any opportunity, boohoo!"

"... What?" Amelia's eyes started doing these crazy spasm things, listening to Iris's blubber all over her…

It was much more like her body couldn't decide if she should laugh, cry, or run screaming for the hills.

… Next thing Iris knew, she pried her off and kicked her own weepy self onto the bed, who squealed after bouncing on it.

"Kyaaaaa!... Is my baby gonna scold me~~ My daughter is a badddd girl, a very very bad girl!"

"... Shut up!" Amelia was on her again in a flash, climbing up to straddle towards her on all fours with the most disturbed come-hither smile.

"Well then, looks like SOMEBODY won't be eating tonight." Amelia purred, placed herself into a full lotus position on bed.

"I'll just have to cultivate under the moonlight. You sleep tight now. Also… I can be your… girlfriend or wife but not that daughter part m."

"Ohhhhhh..." Iris snorted, her drunken gaze finally managing to focus on Amelia with alarming intensity.

A goofy, lopsided grin plastered itself across her features. You could pragmatically see the light bulb fizzing to life above her booze-soaked brain.

"Who needs a daughter when I can get myself a hot girlfriend?!"

Before Amelia could even register that truly puzzling statement, that drunken tornado who was Iris struck… did something unforgivable.

With surprisingly deft movements for someone that inebriated, she pounced right into Amelia's lap, shaving her legs around her roommate's waist like an extremely amorous koala.

"Ohhhh yeah babbbbbyyyy," Iris crooned, dragging her tongue kisses along on Amelia's jawline until finding her ear to slowly, wetly lick.

A shiver ran down her spine, As It was getting on her bottom line. Amelia blushed hearing her next words.

"Why don't we make some sweet love tonight… I mean, do we have sex with each other? That way we can have a little bambino of our own!"

Iris leaned back just far enough to shoot Amelia a wink that looked more like a full-body spasm, As her both hands supported on Amelia's necks.

"I knew in this world… lady-on-lady can totally knock a gal up these days... What did you say, sexy thing? Can you make me pregnant, baaabe?"

Iris tried and failed miserably to smolder at the gobsmacked Amelia. "W-What are you talking about, Iris?"

A line of drool dribbled down her chin as Iris mumbled, "Just thinking about you putting your finger in my oven is bending me all hot and bothered…"

"... Mmmm, A what a wild ride I will have, ahhh!" Iris moaned with a desire, unbuttoned her blazer.

"... I-Iris, I really think you need to sleep tonight!" In the first time, Amelia got an up-close glimpse at Iris's secret frisky side.

A stray thought bubbled up from the back of her mind.

Would Iris be this boldly thirsty if some rando had been in Amelia's place?

The mere idea made her jaw clench… A possessive fire ignited low in her belly.

'No, don't overthink Amelia! She's mine and ONLY mine. Whoever snatched her from me… Will be dead.' she mentally scolded herself. 'I will damn be exorcist than let anyone else get their grubby paws on her body!'

Iris let out another boozy hiccup, undressing her upper body, just wearing Only a black bra.

"... Sorry… Iris, not tonight. I'd hate to take advantage of you while you are... indisposed. We are not dating as well."

Amelia licked her lips, eyeing the inviting curve of Iris' neck. "But maybe I could go for a little...aperitif to tide me over?"

She flashed Iris a devilish expression, making sure to extend her fangs nice and slow. "How about I just drink you in a different way for now? We can pick this back up when you're sober and properly wifed up to me."

"Ehhhh?" Iris looked around dazedly, with a lustful grin plastering, perspective Amelia's vampiric display. "Well then, wife-y, you can do anything you want with my body!"