CH-60 Past life dream[1]

Once upon a time… in a verdant forest where a tranquil lake glistened, two individuals found themselves seated upon the verdant grass.

The first, a cherubic six-year-old girl named is… Iris Hope, her golden locks shimmering in the evening sunlight that filtered through the canopy above.

The second, a woman whose tresses were a striking amalgam of silver and blonde, her eyes were detailed eyes, and her figure has an alluring quality that could only be described as milf-esque.

This woman, known as Julie Hope, cradled young Iris in her lap as the child slumbered peacefully.

Julie had assumed a lotus position, her lithe form perfectly situated upon the emerald carpet of grass that surrounded them.

This green grass, standing a mere twenty centimeters tall, afforded an unobstructed vista of the quaint wooden house that stood sentinel behind their resting place.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Tiny Iris let out a long, exaggerated, and she rubbed her eyes like a sleepy little bear escaping from hibernation.

When her eyelids finally opened, she was greeted by her mother's blooming smile and a playful poke to the cheekies.

"Well, good morning sunshine! Did my little cuddle monster have sweet dreams~~" Julie cooed in a high-pitched, baby-talk voice usually reserved for talking to puppies.

Tiny Iris responded by wrapping herself around her mother's midsection like a koala clinging to a tree trunk.

She then nuzzled and massaged her own face against Julie's stomach while making motorboat noises. "Brrrrrrrrrrr!"

"Ohoho, I'll take that as a yes!"

Julie exclaimed with a naughty wink. "But tell me, oh daughter of mine, does this mean YOUR tummy needs some raspy raspberries??"

Before Iris could reply, Julie installed a ruthless tickle attack. "BRRRZZZZ… Here comes the motorboat madness!"

"HAHAHAHAHA-STAHAHAHAP-MAHAHAHAMA-AHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!" The little one's shrieks of laughter filled the forest as she squirmed and flailed.

Once the tickle torment ended, Iris caught her breath while Julie wore a self-satisfied grin. She flopped onto her back with a theatrical swoon. "Say, tiny titan, how about you be the big spoon for once for me?"

"Yaaaay! My turn to be the lap queen!" Iris's blue eyes glowed up as she scrambled on top of her mother's tummy, who lay down.

She also tickled, And played for a while…

Then Iris sat down on her butt on the ground, legs straight, and Julie put her head on her daughter's small lap.

Iris ran her small hands through Julie's silky strands, her eyes growing wide with covetous desire.

"Mama, your hair is sooooo smooth and preeeetty! Can I have it? Pleeeease?" She stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout worthy of a tearjerker movie.

"Hair, schmear! Why need hair when you've got allllll this?" Julie gestured over her bodacious bod with a invitated blink.

"Heeheehee! That's right, you're allllll mine!"

Julie then flopped back down onto Iris's small lap with an over-the-top swooning noise. "Ahhhhhh, a throne fit for a princess's mother. I feel like the empress of a fox!"

Iris gave an evil cackle that could send chills down Vincent Price's spine as she repeatedly booped her mother's nose. "My precious, my.... precious mama!"

The two fell into a silence so still, you could hear a forest gnome passing gas.

Suddenly, Iris piped up, her face scrunching into a ponderous expression typically seen on philosophers or guys trying to do differential equations in their head.

"Moooommmm, can I ask you a super-duper important question?" She batted her eyelashes up and down, looking like she was in trial to attain liftoff through eyelid fluttering alone.

"Mmm..." Julie slowly nodded, her expression turning more somber than droopy dog after someone stole his biscuit.

She, who could picture what her daughter is wishing for, knew this day would come - the day she'd have to spill the truth sundae.

"Well, you see..." Iris touched her both hands index finger tips. "I've been reading some of those books, and they say every kid is supposed to have a dad and or another mom!"

"And when two people fall in love, a child comes to life. It was written in a fairy tale book I have. But… I've never seen mine! Do… Do I have another mother or father?"

"Where are they? Are they… Are they being held in prison by the dreaded Buttfor trolls?? Or by ghosts?"

Julie half-eye closed on Iris. "... Wait… I haven't seen something like this written in fairy tale books. Iris! Tell me the truth."

Iris' eyes were as big as dinner plates seeing her mother's brown knit together.

"N-now Mommy, please don't be angry at your adorable little angel!" Shifting nervously, she gathered the courage to keep probing.

She flashed her most winsome smile, the one that could melt even the crustiest old scrooge's heart.

"It's just...well..." The tiny tot twirled her ponytail so furiously, they became twin tornados threatening to take flight. "I may have peeked at your super-secret alchemist book when you weren't home. Just a liiiiittle peek!"

She framed a minuscule amount with her tiny fingers. "And it said something about when two people love each other very much, they… Um, they make a baby together?"

Her face scrunched up in a cat question mark. "But then it talked about some kind of hoo-ha magical way I don't understand where two ladies can have a kiddo on their own if they're, ya know… in tummy."

Iris whispering, "If I have mom… Are you and my other mommy... special friends or something?"

The silence that followed was deafening, heavy enough to squash a whole tribe of meerkat jesters. Julie's expression was utterly inscrutable, like a sphinx locked in an eternal poker face.

"... Don't read that again. It's not for kids but…" Julie's brow furrowed so deeply, it looked like she was trying to crack a walnut with her forehead alone.

After an interminable pause where you could hear the crickets laughing at the strange tension, she finally opened her mouth.

"... Ah yes, the ancient mystery of baby-making. A complex riddle to untangle, is it not?" She tapped her chin sagely as if she were some wizened guru about to be uneducated.

"Let's not talk abou-" Suddenly, Julie pointed frantically off into the distance.

"Oh heavens above! A vicious tiger seems to be stalking a gentle woodland creature over yonder! My hero, you simply must go and rescue the poor dear from that ferocious beast!"

Iris whipped her head around so fast, her hairs turned into spinning helicopter blades. She is at stage 3 of essence realms so she could beat an animal, who is just a normal beast.

"Gasp! I saw it… You're right, Mother! Fear not, innocent deer - Iris the Mighty is on her way to save you!"

In a blur of motion too fast for the naked eye of normal animals, the pint-sized paladin dashed herself like a cannonball right at the confused-looking tiger.

"Big cat, Meow?" Iris had grabbed it by the tail and spun it around her head.

"HOHOHO, stripey demon! I shall send you back into the fetid pit from whence you slunk!" With a massive grunt of exertion, she let the tiger go sailing over the trees and clear out of the forest.

"And stay out, foul jungle jerkface!" Iris landed in a crouched superhero pose, chest puffed out heroically as she proclaimed before seeing the deer also turned tail.

"The heroine shall rule the world." She turned back to her mom with a triumphant grin. "There, the deer is s—"

But Julie was gone, having bailed on the conversation faster than a screaming goat catching air off a trampoline.

"Mama, That's cheating!"