CH-66 Two abilities

"Wait! hold up you all! You're telling me my cafe ain't treating customers like one big happy fam?" Disha yelled, eyeballing the crew whose peepers were plugging out like they just saw a ghost.

Still, they nodded like those bobblehead dogs people stick on dashboards, knowing this chick was the head honcho.

Word on the street was, this lady loved her some equality like a kid loves candy – didn't matter if you were a prince or a pauper, guy or gal, she wanted everyone feeling like a million bucks.

That's probably why her joint was packed to the rafters with all sorts, even if the hoity-toity crowd tried to act a fool sometimes.

But Disha wasn't having none of that nonsense, oh no!

Equality was the name of the game in her kingdom, and anybody who didn't like it could take a hike!

"I see! Please forgive me." Disha said, bowing deeply to the others, whose hearts were touched by her humble sign and gentle tone.

"Don't reproach the president. We understand your company is extremely busy. You cannot personally oversee every restaurant, as people may still conceal some transgressions."

"No need to apologize, miss. We've all witnessed your press conferences and the famous video showcasing your generous donations to hospitals for the underprivileged."

"Indeed, Miss. We comprehend that with your hectic schedule, you have limited capacity to supervise this modest cafe."

"Yes, yes! It was solely the arrogant Xu family, claiming connections to you, who instigated this."

"We did report the manager's actions of expelling numerous patrons, but to no avail. Please, terminate his employment with this company."

The whole dang cafe outburst like a volcano, everybody shouted to give that manager the old heave-ho from the company.

The culprit looked like he was about to fill his drawers, knowing full well Prez Disha had a temper hotter than a jalapeno on a summer day.

When homeslice got promoted, he was straight up told to treat folks equally, rich or broke - didn't matter, they all deserved the royal treatment.

But nah, instead of following the prez's golden rule, he let them hoity-toity Xu peeps walk all over the place like they owned it.

Now, the big boss lady ain't one to go all Godfather on somebody, ya dig?

Those dudes have a no-go thanks to their pesky government rules, even though criminals best watch their backs since they will be punished if they did something wrong.

But still, the President could make a brother disappear quicker than a card trick if she was feelin' saucy.

The manager dude was visibly shaking, hitting the floor like a fallen tree and scrambling backwards on all fours, probably prayin' to every deity under the sun for mercy.

Ain't no way he wanted to be on Disha's bad side - they'd be finding his remains in a ditch by the highway!

"My sincere apologies, but the fault lies with my staff. It is now 11:39 AM. As compensation…" Disha politely stated, checking her timepiece.

"After 12:00 PM, this establishment shall offer complimentary service to all patrons for the next twenty-four hours. Please, indulge in our favorite food as you desire. Thank you."

The customers exchanged glances, their eyes alight with anticipation as they licked their lips in eager delight.

Ever since this renowned cafe had been acquired by the esteemed Zyricon Incorporated, the staff's impeccable service and the delectable cuisine, coupled with reasonable pricing, had garnered acclaim.

With profound reverence, the patrons bowed before taking their seats and perusing the tempting menu.

Disha turned her gaze towards the employees, assuring them that additional personnel from other branches would arrive to provide some aid.

Nodding in acknowledgment, the staff commenced their preparations while Disha firmly grasped the manager by the nape of his neck.

Enfeebled by the weight of his transgressions, he could meekly ask for a feeble apology.

"Iris, what shall we do with these rhinoceros and these individuals?" Disha inquired, as I gazed upon the three people flailing on the floor, who were struggling to stand on their footing like upended turtles.

"Toss them out posthaste, including the managers. As for the manager's punishment… Withhold this month's compensation from that scoundrel.

"And..." I snuck a glance at the maid, who was beseeching Nian to refrain from causing a ruckus.

With a typical signal from me, she scurried over, as I turned to Disha.

"Elevate her to the managerial position. She shall have the authority over this establishment and sever all contractual obligations with the insufferable Xu clan."

"Those incapable of treating the impoverished with equal pride are unworthy of association with any Zyricon Incorporated."

"Very well. Guards!" Disha summoned the sentries and issued her directives, leaving the wide-eyed maid dumbfounded.

"Pardon, miss, but who might you be?" She was eager to know my identity.

Perhaps deducing that I hailed from a prominent family that commanded Disha like a pawn.

"Merely a friend. Disha, bless her soul, possesses a merciful nature and struggles to make the ruthless decisions necessitated at times."

"Thus, I sent my counsel to her. After all, she is human and requires the support of others occasionally." I remarked with a reassuring pat on her shoulder, before turning my gaze towards Arle, who had concluded his repast.

With alacrity, I made payment with a few gold coins to counter, and my trio made our exit from the cafe. So there I was, right? With my two other besties, Arle.

"You two must be busy. Go on, Arle and I are going to have a little adventure."

I grabbed Arle's hand and used my hidden superpowers to conceal our presence and teleport us to the Crescent Moon Forest, which was 20 kilometers away, in an instant.

As we landed, I felt drained. My superpower, Omniversal Destruction, allows me to annihilate anything—space, time, you name it — except living beings, like humans or beasts not wood or metal.

I primarily use it to create voids or teleport myself anywhere I can visualize within seconds.

This power emanates from my eyes, the core source gifted to me when I was a goddess. When my eyes color changes that means I have activated it and could use them at any time.

Unusually, I have two abilities, unlike rare children who simply got. The second superpower is telekinesis. However, both powers are currently limited.

After using Omniversal Destruction, I need a 5-hour recharging break before I can wield it again, while I can use telekinesis anytime but with a weight restriction.

I slapped the Twilight masquerade mask on my face.

And did a double-take when I located my organization's subordinates hard at work in front of the tunnel.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the gang who can't shoot straight!" I laughed in my best impersonation of a bad mobster movie villain. Adjusting my mask so it sat crooked on my face, I mumbled.

"Didn't you clowns get the memo? We're entering a new arc here! Time to hang up those silly little tools and get ready for some real drama!"