CH-69 Dao rank of Iris's affinity [Mild R-18 Gwen X Ely]

I observed the empty void of crickets chirping. Not a soul in sight, And the floor below was hilarious me with its pristine condition.

Then there it was, the notification I'd been waiting with bated breath - the all-clear signal that aployscis had been averted.

Relief washed over me like a tidal wave of joy, and I couldn't help but perform a jig right there in the middle of the vacant room.

Take that, floor! Your reign of terror is over… for now.


[killed a special creature

Reward: 17000 experience points are added.]


Name ➔ Iris Hope

Race ➔ Human

Bloodline ➔ Fox progenitor(Error)

CR(Cultivation realms) ➔ Harmonization

Stage ➔ 5th

Exp ➔ 15000/ 29000

[ — Affinities — ]

1. Fire Mastery ➔ 18%

2. Dark Mastery ➔ 14%

3. Thunder Mastery ➔ 15%

Inventory ➔ Id card |-| Bracelet


The sweet taste of victory! I'd slain enough shadowy monstrosities to reach the coveted 5th stage.

… But wait, what's this? My dark affinity just leveled up by a measly 1%? Come on, game, throw me a bone here! I practically bathe in darkness at this point.

"Hmph, is this because I fight in darkness?" I grumbled, doing my best brooding hero impression.

[Yes, it is.] Harriet's voice rang out, as melodious as a rutabaga being dragged across a chalkboard. [Ah, also… I figured out you don't know your dao. Its rank is a special dao, and it includes every affinity.]

"Every affinity? Well, well, aren't we an overachiever? To be honest, I know that when I use my affinity."

I stated matter-of-factly while picking a wedgie. A thought occurred to me, so I added, "In future, will the system really upgrade with my body?"

[Yeah, it will. At that time, it will tell you every detail that is needed or even directly be a secretary for you if you need anything, like learning something or buying some epic items.]

"...I see!" Filled with determination, I bounded up the stairs with all the grace of a newborn gazelle, only to find myself face-to-face with an ominous display of dragon statues.

In the center, a golden ring floating enticingly between the gaping maw of one dragon in core space.

Well, if that's not just screaming — take me.

I don't know what it is!

Not interested in threat or warning, or every self-preservation instinct, I stole that bad boy up and braced for utter catastrophe.

I tilted my head expectantly, whistling a jaunty tune as I waited for the inevitable calamity to unfurl.

After what felt like an eternity, Around 10 minutes, I muttered to fate. "Universe! Isn't this the part where you throw disaster on my way?"

Look, I'm no stranger to the inky abyss - we're on a first-name basis and everything. But just loitering aimlessly in the shadowy void?

I was about to pop in my earbuds and queue up the latest emo album when, speak of the devil, the whole darn place started trembling.

"Seems like the party's finally getting started!" I grinned ear to ear, ready to ascend another level.

The darkness around me shattered like a dropped mirror, sunbeams flooding in and making my eyes water. Squinting against the brilliance, I bellowed, "Alright, you cosmic prankster, come out and show yourself!"

But instead of a fire-breathing lizard or a mind-bending eldritch horror, I was… standing in front of a sturdy oak tree.

On a pleasant evening, no less. Anticlimactic much? I mean, I was all revved up for an epic clash of good versus evil, or at the very least, a rousing bout of existential dread.

'... This?... This was just disappointing. Thanks for the letdown, O Capricious Forces of the Universe…'

"If it isn't my dear old mom back from her latest magical misadventure!" I turned to see Arle giving me the stink eye, her eyes glowing like a pair of radiant radishes.

"Who made you cry?" Fortunately, I had my trusty face-mask on face otherwise my subordinates would have seen the deep, deeper, deepest, frown.

"N-No, it's not what you think! We just… got carried away redecorating and may have accidentally bricked ourselves inside. No biggie!"

She snorted so hard, I thought her nose was going to blast off into the stratosphere.

"Oh puh-lease, you really think your mother is some wilting wallflower? Bah, I could survive a sharknado filled with explosive diarrhea!"

I decided it was best not to poke that particular bear. "Right, of course. Say, how about we put this whole kerfuffle behind us and wet our whistles at the local watering hole? First round is from me!"

Slipping the mysterious ring back into my pocket for safekeeping, I think I'd analyze this potentially tchotchke later.

For now, downing a few frothy mugs with my wacky maternal unit was priority number one!

"Sure things."

She winked, took a deep breath, already making a beeline for the pub. "Just don't go crying into your mug when I outdrink you again but I can't drink alcohol but fruit juice in competition!"

… Oh no, I'm regretting this already.

… What're a few embarrassing family moments between a dashing heroine and her eccentric mother?


[A.N- You can leave from here as the next scene shows a little R-18 craze but not completely.]

In the love hotel, There lay Ely and Gwen, tangled in the middle of the rumpled bed sheets like a couple of spent party noodles.

Chests were heaving, hair was disheveled – it was clear that an epic 'naked pretzel' competition had taken place between the sheets.

Ely, flushed and breathless, mashed her face into Gwen's shoulder as if trying to become one with it. When Gwen gently stroked her head, a muffled "Mmmmhhh?" noise escaped Ely's sweaty sprawl.

"You good there, slugger?" Gwen pantsed, eyes screwed shut as she appeared to be mediating transcendental truths. Or maybe just trying to remember her own name after… all that.

Ely finally disengaged from the shoulder-smoosh, leaving a damp imprint behind.

"Sorryyyy." she frantically fanned herself. "I may have gotten a little too tired from our… extracurricular activities. Hopefully I didn't leave you hohondrously unsatisfied."

She situated Gwen a weary yet salacious kiss on lips, to which her partner could only respond with a glazed, punch-drunk grin.

To an idiot author, who knows nothing, imagined that their round 7 was just around the corner!

"Don't you worry your pretty little head," Gwen slurred, ídroitly goes for… something under the covers to touch a feminine rose flower. "I've got plenty of stamina… left in me..."

Ely playfully slapped Gwen's roving hand away from her 'secret garden' with a saucy smirk. "Easy there, tiger! You know the rules - look but don't touch… too much. We gotta save something for the honeymoon after marriage."

"But baaabe, you know I need my daily recommended intake of smoochies and cuddle-wuddles!" Gwen pouted, tracing the intricate 'Property of Gwen' tramp stamp emblazoned on Ely's hip with her fingertip.

Rolling her eyes in provoking exasperation, Ely nodded. "Fair point. I have been feeling a bit… sluggish lately."

Then Ely's nose scrunched up cutely as she recounted those unfortunate 'hurlies' from earlier.

But rather than thinking of her queasy memories, a sexy glint twinkled in her eye. "You know...I think I could use a little… distraction from that."

With a surprising burst of energy, she pounced on Gwen's lap, straddling her hips in one fluid motion.

Gwen let out a tiny "oomph!" as the wind was knocked out of her, but her startled expression quickly melted into one of lust.

"Why, you insatiable minx!" Gwen hands finding purchase on Ely's waist. "And here I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy in your… delicate condition."

But Ely just silenced her with a toe-curling kiss, lips crashing together in a passionate flurry.

The smoldering make-out session intensified, she began to slowly grind her hips in a tantalizing figure-eight motion against her lover's lap, something long was touching her ass.

Gwen shuddered, letting out a breathy moan of pleasure. "E-Easy there, killer! Don't want to...over-exert yourself..."

"Oh, don't you worry about that pretty little head. We don't gonna use that 'phenomenon.'" Ely whispered in a sultry tone, firmly grasping Gwen's wrist and guiding her hand upwards until it stopped on the mangoes.

"I'm just getting… warmed up… Mmmm!"

Gwen didn't need to be told twice. With a funny chortle, she sat on her butt and adjusted Ely fully into her lap, And 'something' between Ely's thighs before it could enter her… rose flower.

Their lips crashed together in a heated liplock, all fiery passion and wandering hands.

While one of Gwen's paw roamed down to boldly cup and knead those gorgeous hips, the other meandered lower… and vocal… until it found its target and entered some part of the inside.

"Mmm!" Ely held her breath, grind her hips on her lap and hugged her neck tightly.

"Mmm, you like that, don't you?" Gwen murmured against Ely's lips in a low, smoky tone. She punctuated her words with another firm handful, relishing the feel of supple flesh amid her greedy fingers.

"Hehehe~~ well…" Ely let out a breathless giggle, nodding fervently as she leaned in for another ravenous kiss.

Things were just starting to reeeeally heat up when…

Gwen's mind made a harsh swerve onto the off-ramp of rational thought. Suddenly, various innocuous details clicked into place with a twin of "OH SHIT" feeling.

'Ely's constant queasiness and lack of appetite… the mood swings… that vomit things…' Gwen's eyes blew stretched as her suspicions coalesced into a singular, terrifying epiphany.

Pushing Ely back just enough to look into her eyes, Gwen inhaled a shuddery breath.

"Babe...are you...?" She swallowed hard, scarcely allowing herself to give voice to the possibility.

"… Are you pregnant?"