ch-71 Unexpected word of Sam[]1

Iris entered through the door, the room spinning like a kaleidoscope of quarreling party-goers.

She squinted, trying to make sense of the blurry afterimages that seemed to multiply with every blink.

"Hic! Mmm, you're so cuddly." Iris slurred, looking at the surroundings of her bewildered potted plant. Mistaking it for her trusty dragon companion, she gave it an affectionate squeeze on her shoulder.

"Yo, waiters! Where's the royal welcome for your queen?" Iris hiccuped, swaying precariously.

After Arle's warnings about overindulging, Iris still had insisted on celebrating her newfound cure for illness with a few too many tankards of ale.

Arle sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as Ely frowned disapprovingly.

Gwen rushed over, supported a steadying arm to the giggling, rosy-cheeked Iris. Arle shot them a quizzical look, silently asking if they had any brilliant ideas for sobering up the happily sloshed queen.

"Why didn't you stop her from drinking?" Ely scolded, taking on the stern big sister role.

Arle awkwardly scratched her cheek, averting Ely's reproachful gaze.

"Um...well, Mother said she had found a cure for her hiccups, so she could drink as much as she wanted to celebrate. Naturally, I couldn't exactly say no when she pet me like that."

Arle gave a sheepish shrug, as if being petted rendered her powerless against Iris's whims.

Ely's exasperated frown softened into a strange look - part amusement, part disbelief at Iris's inebriated antics.

"I see!" She gave a curt nod. "Gwen, take her to her room. And afterward, come to mine - we need to have a serious talk."

"Okie dokie!" Gwen scooped up the now-snoring Iris, cradling her like an overgrown baby. Arle walked behind, she mouthed 'sorry' to Ely, knowing full well a big turn was about to be open behind the closed doors.

Nisho and Sam could only watch from the sidelines, their expressions dark and pained.

Sam's jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth, finally vanishing from the room in a swirl of bitter frustration - leaving Nisho with a hollow, expressionless look.

They were powerless to stop their children's wrongdoings, lacking the parental authority to properly punish or guide them.

In many ways, they felt like mere bystanders who happened to give birth, but lacked true permission in their children's lives.

Nisho slammed down on the couch, eyes shut as a devastating reality overcome. She knew deep down what had to be done, even if it shattered her heart into pieces.

Their youngest, Mia, has become drunk and random flesh to them, And doesn't give a fuck to them, or their words.

Their antiquated beliefs blinded them to their daughter's suffering.

Nisho and Sam's harsh judgment and draconian punishments drove Mia away, the emotional scars leaving her feeling unloved and unworthy in their eyes.

"She brought shame to this family for having a weak talent." Nisho sneered at that time when Mia formed a core and beatable physics, her words like venom.

Alex, the second son - a worthless playboy or scum who created nothing but chaos with his brash defiance.

Even Marvel, the eldest meant to inherit everything, regarded his childhood home like a trash heap - never returning, never taking any responsibility.

Out of their three children, only Ely had been a steadying force - willing to lend an understanding ear and extend a helping hand.

As the years passed for not having a relationship with them and living a peaceful real life, Ely already has distanced herself more and more, sickened by Nisho and Sam's continuing callousness toward their other children's struggles.

Even her patience wore thin as the details of how Mia was truly treated came to light — Drunken rages, wanton behavior, avoidant disappearing acts - all cries for help that fell on deliberately deaf ears.

How could it have all gone so wrong? The faded memories of a happier time, of laughter and unconditional love, just make Ely more discomfortable.

Just a simple vision of the future turns their parents' hearts to stone against their own flesh and blood?

The final straw came when Marvel confided the real reason he seldom returned home.

He called her a few days ago, And shared all his problems and is very apologetic towards Mia. Even ready for any consequences.

The subtle psychological torment he endured just for being himself. Ely saw the deep wounds then, the same ones Mia carried.

With a heavy heart, Ely could no longer stand by the same parents who inflicted such intangible scars on their children.

'Bound by blood, yet divided by a chasm of emotional brokenness' Or so she thought.

No matter their financial success, Nisho and Sam are rude to the crushing 'failure' tag when it comes to emotionally bonding with their own children.

All their wealth and status amounted to nothing in the face of this brutal truth.

"I-I failed in my motherly duty..." She wept silently, hot tears streaking her cheeks.

After agonizing moments, a thought crystallized - one that would shake the very foundation of their family.

"It's time Marvel is stripped of being the heir, just as I once warned. Since this family is breaking apart, it's better that every child receives their share to go their separate ways."


" head is pounding like a drunken dwarf mining for diamonds." I opened one bleary eye, grimacing at the spears of light stabbing into my brain.

Blinking slowly, I took in my surroundings. Arle was wrapped around me like a koala clinging to a tree branch, her messy bedhead tickling my nose.

I gave her a fond pat before gingerly extricating myself from her octopus grip.

Shaking off the hangover cobwebs, I snatched up my phone, suddenly reminded of a very important mission - reconnecting with my darling wife Amelia. We may have tied the knot during one raucous pub crawl, but the feelings were real, damn it!

"Aha, she slipped me her phone number!" I added her as a new contact into whatsapp, unabashedly labeling her as 'Wife <3'.

[Morning sunshine! Your hot fiance here, ready for pancakes and snuggles?] I fired off the message, my thumbs already eagerly awaiting her flirtatious reply.

This was the start of a beautiful,...err, something.

At the very least, it would give me a chance to figure out if she really could outdrink a minotaur like she claimed.

A wife has to verify these things, for science!

[A.N - *()* this sign means gif while *{}* means expression behind the scene.

[ 'Wife <3'

Amelia: Good morning, my sweet Iris! (kisses air with a wink gif) How's my favorite vixen doing today? Gwen told me you ended up in the hospital.

I was worried! But don't you dare think you can get away from me that easily. (pouts with pouty lips)

Iris: hehe~~Why Amelia, I'm simply purrfect now that you're here. And what's this about some "business" keeping you away? I think we both know that's just an excuse to avoid your number one idol.

Amelia: You wound me, my dear! (clutches chest gif) As if I could ever stay away from your gorgeous self for too long.

… But it seems you've found yourself a special tell? (leans in anticipating with sparkling eyes gif)

Iris: Ah ah ah, that's for me to know and you to obsess over. Just know that once I make my journey to the next realm, I'll be Back with something… extra special that I know you'll absolutely adore.

Amelia: (bites lip gif) You're killing me with the suspense, you wicked tease! Well, whatever this foxy surprise is, you know I'll be waiting for you...maybe I can help you get there faster? (traces figure suggestively with thirsty gif)

Iris: Down girl! There'll be plenty of time for that once I'm back. For now, just admit it - you miss me terribly, don't you?

Amelia: You've got me all figured out, my devilish Iris. (puts paws together pleadingly cat gif)

… I'm simply lost without you! Please come back to me soon? I'll be your obedient little puppy, I promise!]

I think I should take a little seductive line for her to have a little fun. She is very different in online talk.

[ Iris: (licks lips slowly) I you'll be ready for me soon then? How cute. But Amelia, don't play coy with me. You know there's something you're just dying to say...

Amelia: … U-Um, no, not anymore. I've said all I needed to... (averts eyes shyly)

Iris: (raises an eyebrow) ...Really? Are you sure about that? Because I can think of a few very… dirty things you might want from me.

Amelia: … (stone cold expression) No way...

Iris: (chuckles huskily) I see! So you want to play that game, do you? (bites lip seductively) Well alright then, I'll play along… for now. But don't think you can resist me forever.

Amelia: (visibly flustered) ...??? What are you implying? I… I don't understand.

Iris: Okay, if you insist on being naive. But I know what you desire, what you crave from me. Why don't you just say it? I love you, Iris. Be my mate and I'll make every night pure ecstasy.

Amelia: … (thirsty drinking) Y-You… I… oh my old man is calling me. Bye, Love you.. finance.]