CH-81 Dracula vs Twilight[end ]

Twilight squinted her eyes at Dracula, who had been into a freaky-deaky monstrosity that would make even Bigfoot say — Dude, you need to lay off the garlic knots.

This guy had crimson eyes, ginormous wings sprouting from his back, and to top it off, he was rocking a pair of tighty-whities that had seen better days since the Stone Age.

It was an all-out brawl, with everyone throwing down like there was no tomorrow.

Dracula decided to crank things up a notch by calling many skinwalkers, who promptly started trading blows with a dragon named Hina, a lion king called Gist, and some chick named Lucy.

These guys were the cream of the crop when it came to harmonizing realms, just like this guy Zinta who is the Dracula, was always yapping about.

Even her own subordinate got in on the action, throwing down with the skinwalker in a fusion realm showdown that would make Bruce Lee say — Damn, son!

The question burned in Twilight's mind - "Will that accursed ring hold power here that was in this hellish realm?"

She clutched the ancient relic, won through hellfire and brimstone against the vile skinwalker. That forsaken place guarded its black secrets of jealousy.

She took out the ring. "Hey bloodsucker! Get a load of this!"

Dracula's eyes went wide as saucers, shimmering with wretched desire as he hurtled towards her like a starving beast.

Twilight danced aside as he crashed past. "Hah! How's that for cunning?"

She dropped her heel into his back, driving him into the ground. Gripping his cloak, she rode him out like a macabre surfboard, scraping along the water's edge.

His talons scrabbled uselessly as shrieks of anguish tore from his maw. But Twilight just threw back her head and laughed - a cold, merciless sound. "Who's the master now, worm?"

"Graaaaaaahhhh!" Zinta's thunderous roar shook the air as his fist found its mark, sending Twilight crashing through a nearby house in an explosive bloom of splintered wood and plaster.

'This awakened dracula power is no mere myth!' Twilight's eyes narrowed as from the air Zinta bore down on her position, the dracula's clawed hand cleaving the air in a vicious overhead arc.

An invisible wave of force slammed into her, the shockwave reducing surrounding structures to rubble as if caught in a magnitude 10 earthquake's throes.

"Argh- Itchy batman!" Twilight grunted, straining against the immense pressure threatening to make her kneel but unable to.

Jaw clenched, she lashed out with her telekinetic abilities, sculpting an invisible barrier - a psionic mirror warping around her in a protective cocoon.

The mesh of mental force blunted Zinta's assault, countering the brunt of his onslaught.

Twilight rose from the debris, thunder was glowing around her body, a cruel smile playing across her lips. "You'll have to try harder than that, worm!"

" wife's...ring!" Something was wrong with him. Zinta's fangs elongated in an unpleasant gaze as he snatched up a shambling zombie and drained it dry, the husk's flesh withering to a sickly yellow.

"Hmph." Twilight's lip curled in a disdainful smirk. 'So that gaudy bauble belongs to his mate or lover, huh!'

She used her chance, calling forth her obsidian blade from the depths of her soul.

[Sonic Sense Destruction!] A wave of tsunami gushed from the sword with a piercing shriek that lanced into everyone's ears, deafening them.

The sonic blast seared through flesh, over fifty zombies and several skinwalkers immolated in an instant.

Twilight felt the surge of power course through her as she ascended to Stage 8 mastery, And smirk ejected to a savage grin. "Your feeble undead were no match. Now let's see if your master proves more entertaining."

"Gimme back… my precious!" Zinta howled, a dark miasma oozing from his pores as he launched himself at Twilight.

Twilight's fist met his face with a echoed 'crunch,' shattering his protruding fangs. But the vamp just kept on trucking, gnarly talons scrabbling for purchase on Twilight's bodacious chassis.

"Ah ah ah, paws off the merchandise!" Twilight seized his groping hands and proceeded to wail on him relentlessly. Her knuckles swiftly rearranged his smug mug into a fleshy pancake.

Not content with that, she fired up the old flamethrower fingers, crisping his leathery wings to a glorious well-done.

"Arghhhhhhh!" Zinta groaned piteously, only for Twilight to shut him up by ripping both arms straight from their sockets in a geyser of hot vamp-bath-water.

"Yeah, you're probably gonna need a few Band-Aids for that one, bud." Twilight clenched the back of Zinta's squash and introduced his cantaloupe to the nice concrete tango floor with a symphony of bone castanets.

A jaunty little spider web pattern blossomed beneath his remodeled melon to commemorate the occasion.

But of course, the fangface's Wolverine-grade regeneration powers just had to go and ruin the fun.

Twilight wasn't having any of that nutriyummy nonsense though.

She whipped out her electrified lightning-rod and proceeded to throw a current event right into the back of his crunchy peanut butter cup.

The volts got their dance on, setting Zinta's insides to doing the twerking slide as the liquid inside his veins got burned, And just his body turning yellow.

Pretty soon, there was a nice thick puddle of zomb-ade forming around his smoked cashew.

"Please, don't hurt him!" The disembodied voice reverberated in Twilight's mind, startling her.

She gazed into the depths of the golden ring, perplexed, And demanded. "Who are you?"

"There's not much time..." the voice pleaded, laced with urgency. "You must end his life… he is my husband and doesn't torture him like this. My soul is trapped within this cursed ring."

"Only when he died, which is only I know, will I be liberated to bestow the things' immense power upon you or the master. But remember this - this can only transpire if the blood of dragons courses through your veins."

Twilight furrowed her brow, compelled to learn more. "Tell me your tale - how did you become a prisoner of this ring? If I'm not suspicious… Then I shall aid your freedom."

The voice quavered with heartache as it began its tragic account. "On our wedding day, as my beloved Zinta and I prepared to unite our lives between humans and Dracula's, a human from my own kind betrayed our race - betrayed me."

"We yearned to forge a lasting bond between our peoples, for Zinta to renounce the drinking of blood. But Zinta was… different."

It broke into sobs. "Someone slipped dragon's blood into the ceremonial wine. Zinta lost all control because of bloodlines' power, succumbing to an unstoppable bloodlust that claimed countless innocent lives.

"You must believe me, in his true nature he is kind and gentle. The people who imprisoned my soul did so to exploit an ancient power only known to the protocol deadnova."

"They vowed to free me if Zinta did their bidding. And When or if he refused, my spirit became forever shackled to this ring and died slowly with pain."

The voice cried. "Miraculously, Zinta

managed to wrest the ring away and conceal it in a secret place, guarded by draconic magic. Once the ring is worn by someone, that domain, only those who have a demon or one carrying the dragon's blood, can access and unlock its full potential."

'Oh, So it is a love tragedy, huh! With my experience, I could tell she is not lying.'

Twilight eyes softened as she looked at Zinta. Yet skepticism was in her. "If you could see my actions, then why reveal yourself now? And why should I place any trust in you?"

"...It was because I could only converse for ten minutes each month. I struggle to elucidate the constraints placed upon me. But… if you find something, you could simply shatter the ring which will be more painful, And my soul will die here forever and won't reincarnate."

"Moreover, after that, I wish you to end my husband's life swiftly and mercifully - do not subject him to further torture."

Twilight then laughed and said. "I see! Let do this."'