(Everyone breathes heavily)

Nanaho: see Shino, I told you that you're doing well , you just started to understand the game and you put up some points great work

Noboru: it's not like it's anything special he only scored two points

Nanaho: someone's jealous , don't worry you have plenty of time to shine

(Noboru): I have to score more points, can't be on the same level as that amateur

Takahiro: Yukio, Hayato, we might actually win this

Yukio: no, we are going to win this

Hayato: yes, we won't settle for a loss

(Haruko): they are so amazing, despite being a six man team , they are leading Yokonan high, one of the top schools in basketball. Tetsuo really is amazing.

(Nanaho): 48-39 and with just 20 minutes remaining, we can do this

Yokonan's coach: great work out there Kayano, not the best results but at least you made them score some points after that huge shutdown they got.

Kayano: I was aiming to close the gap in our points , however, my efforts alone will not be enough to do so. I hate to admit it but Toshigawa actually has a team.

Yokonan's coach: you're right, Kogure you're going in, take over this game for me

(Yokonan's coach): this team was quite the shocker, but now I'm certain they won't have a counter for this. I underestimate that girl's ability as a coach. We better not take them lightly anymore or we'll definitely loose

(Kogure): you did it Yukio, you got coach to put me in , great job

(Kogure stretching)

Yokonan's coach: do I have to tell you what to do?

Kogure: come on coach, give me some credit, I'll try and score thirty points to make up for the others

???: no way!! Kogure is coming in

???: about damn time, hurry up and put Toshigawa Academy in their place

???: Kogure-senpai!!!! I love you

???: Kogure-senpai do your best

???: Kobayashi-kun be sure to beat them

(Nanaho): here he comes, Yokonan high's ace , Kogure Kobayashi

(Yukio): this game is going to be difficult

Yukio: Nanaho, everyone I have a plan, come here

Nanaho: wait that actually might work

Yukio: no, it won't , that's the only way we'll be able to keep up with them though in terms of points

Takahiro: so you want me to guard that big guy over there right

Yukio: yes, I'll have to guard Kogure, I played alongside him in Junior high and trust me when I say this my big brother was the only one who could stop him from scoring. That guy is unstoppable, he's an offensive machine

Yukio: Tetsuo, I want you to lockdown Manabu, focus on keeping him away from the ball, don't worry about supporting us on defense

Tetsuo: yes

Yukio: Hayato I know it will be tough, but you'll have to find a way to handle Takeshi Kayano

Hayato: I knew I had to face him one way or another, but don't worry I'll figure something out

Nanaho: Noboru you rested enough yet

Noboru: I wasn't even tired in the first place, I'm rearing to go

Nanaho: good , let's go for it everyone

Everyone: yes!!

(Kayano dribbles the basketball up court)

(Hayato steps up to guard him)

(Hayato): I can't afford to let him break through our defense not when Kogure is out here playing

(Manabu tries to shake Tetsuo's defense)

(Manabu): dammit , he won't budge

Tetsuo: you'll not score anymore points on my watch, so stay put

(Manabu): you cocky bastard

(Ryuu sets a screen for Kogure)

(Yukio): crap they didn't warn me

(Kogure runs to the hoop)

(Kayano fakes a pass )

(Kayano passes a lob to Kogure)

(Kogure Windmill dunks the ball)

(Ball bounces on the floor)

(Everyone starts cheering)

???: Kogure is amazing, what a dunk!!!

???: Kogure-senpai you're so cool

Kogure: good work Yukio, you managed to get me out here, but you have to do better than that if you want to win

(Hayato passes the basketball to Yukio)

(Yukio fakes)

(Yukio passes the ball to Takahiro)

(Takahiro shoots a two pointer)

( Kogure blocks)

(Takahiro): crap

(Kayano catches the basketball)

(Kayano dribbles to the other half of the court)

(Kayano passes to Kogure)

(Kogure does a three sixty dunk)

(Crowd starts cheering)

???: guys hurry up, Kogure is playing in the basketball match, apparently Toshigawa was putting up a fight

???: are you coming Aoi? You're boyfriend is playing, I'm sure seeing you will make him play even better

Aoi: I'm coming, I'll just go ahead and grab a towel

(Kayano dribbles the basketball)

(Kayano passes to Kogure)

(Yukio steps up to mark Kogure)

(Kogure crosses through his leg and then steps back)

(Kogure shoots a three pointer)


???: yes, let's go

???: nice shot Kogure-senpai

(Nanaho): how did the game shift away from us this quickly

(Haruko): we were leading them by nine points earlier and now we are down by eleven ,52-63, that guy is good, he just came on and he already scored twenty points.

(Yokonan's coach): looks like they are finally feeling the pressure, Kogure is in the top five in this prefecture. There are not many players who can hold their own against him, he has already been offer seven college scholarships and he hasn't even graduated yet. He's truly a phenomenal player and I'm glad that I scouted him

???: I heard that Toshigawa was in the lead but it looks like Yokonan took over

???: and it's all thanks to Kogure, he's really something

Aoi: yes he is

(Everyone on Toshigawa Academy breathes heavily)

(Noboru): god dammit, this guy is strong

(Yukio): (breathes heavily) , I hate to say this but I can't handle him and with Kayano assisting him he's even more dangerous

(Nanaho): what can I do , we are seriously out classed here, in terms of both offense and defense. The only reason why the score is so close is thanks to Tetsuo guarding Manabu but there is no way we can win this

(Hayato): (breathes heavily) it's over , we lost

Tetsuo: Nakajima pass me the ball!!!

Hayato: Tetsuo

(Hayato passes Tetsuo the basketball)

(Tetsuo dribbles the basketball to the other half)

(Tetsuo attacks Manabu)

(Tetsuo crosses behind the back and blows right pass Manabu)

(Manabu): so fast

(Tetsuo crosses and gets by Kayano)

(Kogure steps up and guards Tetsuo)

Kogure: and where do you think you're going number 11

(Tetsuo crosses through his legs and tries to get by Kogure)

(Kogure reacts and stays in front of him)

(Tetsuo steps back)

(Kogure attempts to block)

(Tetsuo shoots a three pointer )

(Kogure): no way, I know this move


( Basketball bounces on the floor)

???: amazing

???: he made another one

(Kayano): number 11 is truly a sharp shooter, he may even be better than Manabu

(Haruko): Tetsuo is still fighting even though there seems to be no way for them to win

(Yukio): Kawaguchi….

(Hayato): how can I be giving up so early, when he, my junior is still fighting. That's quite disgraceful

(Nanaho): Tetsuo-kun..

Tetsuo: this game is not over until time runs out, that's what you said right captain? So until this game is over I'll push myself to my limits and win

(Kogure walks up to Tetsuo)

Kogure: hey you there, number 11, does the name Hisashi Kawaguchi means anything to you

Tetsuo: Hisashi Kawaguchi

(Tetsuo looks shocked)

Kogure: I see, then I was right, you are Tetsuo Kawaguchi, son of a former international basketball player Hisashi Kawaguchi