Chapter 8

Hawthorne Manor stood as a bastion of protection, its grand halls now a refuge for Eleanor and Oliver.

Eleanor still can't explain to herself why in all this turmoil she ended up there. Why did she run to the Duke's Manor? Why did she ask for his help? No matter how much he thought, she couldn't explain it.

As the days passed, Eleanor and Daniel found themselves drawn to each other with a magnetic pull, their bond deepening with each passing moment. Their shared experiences had forged a connection that transcended mere acquaintance, binding them together in a tapestry of understanding and trust.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the manor grounds, Eleanor found herself wandering through the gardens, lost in thought. She paused beneath the canopy of a sprawling oak tree, the gentle rustle of leaves overhead providing a soothing backdrop to her contemplation.

It was then that Daniel found her, his footsteps quiet against the soft earth as he approached her side. "Eleanor," he called softly, his voice a comforting presence in the gathering dusk.

Turning to face him, Eleanor met his gaze with a mixture of apprehension and longing. "Daniel," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Daniel stepped closer, his expression tender yet determined. "I wanted to check on you," he confessed, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress.

Eleanor offered him a small smile, her heart warmed by his concern. "I am fine, Daniel," she assured him, though the weight of recent events still lingered in her mind.

Daniel reached out, his hand coming to rest gently on her arm. "You have been through so much, Eleanor," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "But know that you are not alone. I am here for you, always."

Eleanor felt a surge of emotion wash over her at his words, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, Daniel," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them as they stood together beneath the stars. In that moment, Eleanor knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she and Daniel would face them together, their bond unbreakable in the face of adversity. And with that knowledge, she felt a newfound sense of hope blossoming within her—a hope born from the strength of their love.

The other morning was very sunny and so Eleanor and Oliver decided to have breakfast in the garden. Later, they went for a walk and Oliver played in the garden under her mother's supervision. They were peaceful in the manor every day since they first arrived. 

Yet, the tranquility of the manor was shattered when the imposing figure of Henry Fairfax strode through its doors, his presence dripping with menace.

Duke Daniel Hawthorne, ever vigilant, intercepted Lord Fairfax's advance, his eyes ablaze with determination. "Mister Fairfax, what brings you here?" Daniel's voice held an edge of caution.

Henry Fairfax's eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on Eleanor, his expression darkening with anger. "I have come to take my daughter and grandson back where they belong," he declared, his voice like thunder.

Eleanor stood beside Daniel, her heart racing with trepidation. "I will not go back with you, Father," she asserted, her voice trembling but resolute.

Mister Fairfax's face twisted with fury as he took a menacing step towards Eleanor. "You will do as I say, Eleanor," he growled, his voice dripping with malice. "You belong with me."

"I belong to me," Eleanor shouted to her father, "and to no one else. Let alone you."

But her father did not like what she said. 

"How dare you speak to your father like that? Aren't you afraid of the consequences?" he screamed at his daughter.

Daniel stepped protectively in front of Eleanor, his posture unwavering. "I cannot allow you to harm Lady Eleanor or Oliver ever again," he stated firmly, his voice commanding attention.

Lord Fairfax scoffed, his eyes flickering with disdain. "And what can you do to stop me, Duke Hawthorne?" he taunted, his voice laced with arrogance.

Before Daniel could respond, Lord Fairfax lunged towards Eleanor, his intent clear. With lightning reflexes, Daniel intercepted his advance, pushing him back with a forceful hand. "You will not lay a hand on her," Daniel declared, his voice steely with resolve.

Eleanor watched in awe as Daniel stood between her and her father, his strength and courage shining brightly in the face of danger. "Thank you, Daniel," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

Lord Fairfax recoiled, his face contorted with rage. "You cannot protect her forever, Hawthorne," he spat, his voice seething with venom.

Daniel met Henry Fairfax's gaze with unwavering determination. "As long as she is under my care, I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. Don't you dare stand in front of me like that again," he vowed, his voice resolute.

With a final glare, Mister Fairfax stormed out of the manor, his threat lingering in the air. But as Eleanor looked at Daniel, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

But she knew very well that she could not always rely on him. He wouldn't always be there for her. She had to find the strength to get back on her feet before she got used to his help and kindness. Yet she felt grateful for what he had done for her and her son.