Chapter 20

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling estate as Eleanor and Daniel strolled hand in hand through the gardens. After the tumultuous events of the trial, they relished the peace and serenity of the moment, grateful for the chance to simply be together.

"I can hardly believe it's over," Eleanor said, her voice tinged with wonder as she glanced up at Daniel.

Daniel smiled down at her, his eyes sparkling with affection. "It's finally behind us," he agreed, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "And now we can focus on building our future together."

Eleanor's heart swelled with love as she looked at Daniel, her soulmate and steadfast companion through every trial and tribulation. "I don't know what I would do without you," she confessed, her voice soft with emotion.

Daniel's gaze softened, his love for her shining brightly in his eyes. "You'll never have to find out," he vowed, pulling her close and pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

As they continued their leisurely walk through the garden, Eleanor couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the depth of their connection. Despite the challenges they had faced, their love had only grown stronger, binding them together in an unbreakable bond.

Suddenly, Daniel came to a stop, his expression thoughtful as he turned to face Eleanor. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you. I've already asked you this, but I want to make it more formal now." he began, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Eleanor's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him, anticipation coursing through her veins. "What is it?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Daniel took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. "Eleanor, from the moment I met you, I knew you were someone special," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to fight for what's right, and to never give up, no matter the odds."

Eleanor's breath caught in her throat as she listened to Daniel's heartfelt words, her heart overflowing with love for him. "Daniel, I…" she began, her voice choked with emotion.

But before she could finish her sentence, Daniel dropped to one knee before her, a small velvet box in his hand. "Eleanor, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked, his eyes shining with hope and love.

Tears welled in Eleanor's eyes as she looked down at Daniel, her heart overflowing with joy. "Yes, Daniel," she whispered, her voice filled with love and happiness. "A thousand times yes."

With tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, Eleanor threw her arms around Daniel, pulling him into a tight embrace. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the garden and the warmth of their love, Eleanor knew that their journey was only just beginning – and she couldn't wait to see where life would take them next.