Repaying Kindness With Betrayal

Back in the alleyway, Nai Yulan glanced in the direction they left for a few minutes, then slowly, he exhaled a breath of air.

"I was wrong brothers. Bai Shishi cares too much about his sons to go against the Black Fire Bandits." Depressed, he slumped onto a crate. Too depressed to care about the hard surface.

"I told you Bai Shishi's a coward. But you didn't listen. What a waste of time." A female voice came from the alleyway, and soon, the appearance of the female came into view.

"Sai Kwa, laugh it up." Nai Yulan rubbed his temples in annoyance, then glanced at the man beside her, Sai Ku, who looked as though he was struggling to hold in his laughter. "Damn. Just laugh already. Who or what are you waiting for? An invitation?"

As if that was what he was waiting for, Sai Ku burst out into laughter.

For a few seconds, the Sai couple laughed, until Nai Yulan had enough.

"Are you done laughing? Or do you two plan to keep going?"