| Afternoon ~ Mahou high with Eri...
| Hel~looo! For today, Eri's class along with class 1-B are- are having home-ec together. Put simply, we're all meant to cook rice balls and.. and blindly guess who cooked what- Eri can't wait!
Miss. Farah explained, ''All you students, please just walk around and just- bite whatever rice ball -calls-your--name. Please, get started! *Taps cooking bell!*''
((Students moving))
/ R.B>
'Eh~? Why is this one -round? And it`s mushy? *Chomps*' Eri asked herself, while beholding it. '. . .Caughh! Kahhh~! (Hoarse) Somehow, this person made it really wet... Ckahh!
And really burny. Is there peppers in this?! *Swallows toughly* Mrurm! Hints of meat too. Erm, ermm... Strange choices for rice... Why does that~ remind Eri of Gotoh?'
/ R.B> 2
'Ooo, what a uniform ball. Will this one taste normal, Eri wonders?' She thought, as she bit into it. 'Mrm-Gurpp!! Wow-wow! It's packed -with soy sauce. *Sloshy swallow* Nrgg-Hrh!
This is too much -for Eri to handle. The sauce really subdues the rice. Ermmm_ Does Eri know anyone that likes soy sauce that much?'
/ R.B> 3
She thought, 'Ooo-Oo! These ones are looking super familiar. *Avid bite* . . . . . . MRUM-Hrm! Tastes like Sakura flowers and -and a lot of sugar. These must be Eri's own rice balls.
And they are_ still tasty as Eri pictured. *Powdery burst*'
/ R.B> 4
'Is Eri daydreaming or_ or is that ball sparkling...?' She asked, as she felt overwhelmed. 'mrm~rm~rmm -Eri likes this! She likes it very much.
Soy in a rice ball? Yummy__ . . .pepper? Now, wait a moment... Doesn't Eri know someone that.. enjoys soy and pepper rice?'
((Recalling)) ''Thou dines on these with regularity. -Utter regularity.''
/ R.B> 5
Frantically, she thought, 'What's with THIS rice ball??? It's all mushy, and looks overcooked? *Uneager bite* . . .Krah!-Cahhh! ~ COFFEE in rice??! Ewuck!
Who would- would want coffee beans in rice balls? *Chews to think* Erm? How can this ball be sweet, grimy, and be sour?'
/ R.B> 6
'-My words. Eri didn't know rice could be burnt like that.' Eri thought, in astoundment. 'Erwww! That IS STRONG! Wow, that is strong -and bitter. What is Eri eating???
*Deep swallow* Wait a anime second... Eri has tasted this before.. *Thinks* IS this ball full of vinegar? *Tiny lick* Is that it? Hrm. Why would someone do that~?'
/ Last rice ball~
In merry awe, Eri thought, '-These rice balls. They have, have cherries? And are they shaped.. like hearts? *Marvels* Ehh-heh. Maybe Eri will like these. *Chews* . . . Aherh! *Tears up*'
((Outloud)) Whoa~aowww... It tastes like caring__ like... being home with Eri's parents... (Tearing up) *Bites again* It's also a bit over-salty, but Eri doesn't mind it... '
Also tearing up, Gotoh said next to Eri, ''Smokin` hot potatoes! -You're words are right on! *Stuffed up* It reminds me_ of my mom!''
| Meanwhile, a couple feet away...
Glancing at them, Teto asked herself, 'They're.. crying, over our rice balls? Oh, my-my! What did we cook??!'
| FIN~